Source code for usdmanager.utils

# Copyright 2018 DreamWorks Animation L.L.C.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Generic utility functions
import importlib
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import tempfile
from contextlib import contextmanager
from glob import glob
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import Qt
from Qt import QtCore, QtWidgets
if Qt.IsPySide:
    import pysideuic as uic
elif Qt.IsPySide2:
    import pyside2uic as uic
    uic = Qt._uic

from .constants import USD_EXTS

# Set up logging.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from pxr import Ar
    resolver = Ar.GetResolver()
except ImportError:
    logger.warn("Unable to create AssetResolver - Asset links may not work correctly")
    resolver = None

[docs]def expandPath(path, parentPath=None, sdf_format_args=None): """ Expand and normalize a path that may have variables in it. Do not use this for URLs with query strings. :Parameters: path : `str` File path parentPath : `str` | None Parent file path this file is defined in relation to. Helps with asset resolution. sdf_format_args : `dict` | None Dictionary of key/value `str` pairs from a path's :SDF_FORMAT_ARGS: :Returns: Normalized path with variables expanded. :Rtype: `str` """ path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath(path)) if resolver is not None: try: resolver.ConfigureResolverForAsset(path) context = resolver.CreateDefaultContextForAsset(path) with Ar.ResolverContextBinder(context): anchoredPath = path if parentPath is None else resolver.AnchorRelativePath(parentPath, path) resolved = resolver.Resolve(anchoredPath) except Exception: logger.warn("Failed to resolve Asset path {} with parent {}".format(path, parentPath)) else: if resolved: return resolved # Return this best-attempt if all else fails. return os.path.expandvars(path)
[docs]def expandUrl(path, parentPath=None): """ Expand and normalize a URL that may have variables in it and a query string after it. :Parameters: path : `str` File path parentPath : `str` | None Parent file path this file is defined in relation to. Helps with asset resolution. :Returns: Normalized path with variables expanded. :Rtype: `str` """ sdf_format_args = {} if "?" in path: sdf_format_args.update(sdfQuery(QtCore.QUrl(path))) path, query = path.split("?", 1) query = "?" + query else: query = "" return QtCore.QUrl(os.path.abspath(expandPath(path, parentPath, sdf_format_args)) + query)
[docs]def findModules(subdir): """ Find and import all modules in a subdirectory of this project. Ignores any files starting with an underscore or tilde. :Parameters: subdir : `str` Subdirectory :Returns: Imported modules :Rtype: `list` """ modules = [] pluginPath = resource_filename(__name__, subdir)"Searching for *.py plugins in {}".format(pluginPath)) for f in glob(os.path.join(pluginPath, "*.py")): moduleName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] if moduleName.startswith('_') or moduleName.startswith('~'): continue module = importlib.import_module("..{}.{}".format(subdir, moduleName), __name__) modules.append(module) return modules
[docs]def generateTemporaryUsdFile(usdFileName, tmpDir=None): """ Generate a temporary ASCII USD file that the user can edit. :Parameters: usdFileName : `str` Binary USD file path tmpDir : `str` | None Temp directory to create the new file within :Returns: Temporary file name :Rtype: `str` :Raises OSError: If usdcat fails """ fd, tmpFileName = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".usd", dir=tmpDir) os.close(fd) usdcat(usdFileName, tmpFileName, format="usda") return tmpFileName
[docs]def usdcat(inputFile, outputFile, format=None): """ Generate a temporary ASCII USD file that the user can edit. :Parameters: inputFile : `str` Input file name outputFile : `str` Output file name format : `str` | None Output USD format (e.g. usda or usdc) Only used if outputFile's extension is .usd :Raises OSError: If usdcat fails :Raises ValueError: If invalid format given compared to output file extension. """ if == "nt": # Files with spaces have to be double-quoted on Windows. cmd = 'usdcat "{}" -o "{}"'.format(inputFile, outputFile) else: cmd = 'usdcat {} -o {}'.format(inputFile, outputFile) if format and outputFile.endswith(".usd"): # For usdcat, use of --usdFormat requires output file end with '.usd' extension. cmd += " --usdFormat {}".format(format) logger.debug(cmd) try: subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise OSError("Failed to convert file {}: {}".format(inputFile, e.output))
[docs]def usdzip(inputs, dest): """ Zip or unzip a usdz format file. :Parameters: inputs : `str` | `list` Input file name(s). String or list of strings dest : `str` Output directory (for unzip) or file name :Raises OSError: If usdzip fails """ if == "nt": # Files with spaces have to be double-quoted on Windows. if type(inputs) is list: inputs = '" "'.join(inputs) cmd = 'usdzip "{}" "{}"'.format(inputs, dest) logger.debug(cmd) else: cmd = ["usdzip"] if type(inputs) is list: cmd += inputs else: cmd.append(inputs) cmd.append(dest) logger.debug(subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd)) try: subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise OSError("Failed to zip: {}".format(e.output))
[docs]def unzip(path, tmpDir=None): """ Unzip a usdz format file to a temporary directory. :Parameters: path : `str` Input .usdz file tmpDir : `str` | None Temp directory to create the new unzipped directory within :Returns: Absolute path to destination directory for unzipped usdz :Rtype: `str` :Raises zipfile.BadZipfile: For bad ZIP files :Raises zipfile.LargeZipFile: When a ZIP file would require ZIP64 functionality but that has not been enabled """ from zipfile import ZipFile destDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="usdmanager_usdz_", dir=tmpDir) logger.debug("Extracting {} to {}".format(path, destDir)) with ZipFile(path, 'r') as zipRef: zipRef.extractall(destDir) return destDir
[docs]def getUsdzLayer(usdzDir, layer=None): """ Get a layer from an unzipped usdz archive. :Parameters: usdzDir : `str` Unzipped directory path layer : `str` Default layer within file (e.g. the portion within the square brackets here: @foo.usdz[path/to/file/within/package.usd]@) :Returns: Layer file path :Rtype: `str` :Raises ValueError: If default layer not found """ if layer is not None: destFile = os.path.join(usdzDir, layer) if os.path.exists(destFile): return destFile else: raise ValueError("Layer {} not found in usdz archive {}".format(layer, usdzDir)) # TODO: Figure out if this is really the proper way to get the default layer. destFile = os.path.join(usdzDir, "defaultLayer.usd") if os.path.exists(destFile): return destFile files = glob(os.path.join(usdzDir, "*.usd")) + glob(os.path.join(usdzDir, "*.usd[ac]")) if files: if len(files) == 1: return files[0] else: raise ValueError("Ambiguous default layer in usdz archive!") else: raise ValueError("No default layer found in usdz archive!")
[docs]def humanReadableSize(size): """ Get a human-readable file size string from bytes. :Parameters: size : `int` File size, in bytes :Returns: Human-readable file size :Rtype: `str` """ for unit in ["bytes", "kB", "MB", "GB"]: if abs(size) < 1024: return "{:.1f} {}".format(size, unit) size /= 1024.0 return "{:.1f} TB".format(size)
[docs]def isUsdCrate(path): """ Check if a file is a USD crate file by reading in the first line of the file. Doesn't check the file extension. :Parameters: path : `str` USD file path :Returns: If the USD file is a crate (binary) file. :Rtype: `bool` """ with open(path) as f: return f.readline().startswith("PXR-USDC")
[docs]def isUsdExt(ext): """ Check if the given extension is an expected USD file extension. :Parameters: ext : `str` :Returns: If the file extension is a valid USD extension :Rtype: `bool` """ return ext.lstrip('.') in USD_EXTS
[docs]def isUsdFile(path): """ Check if the given file is a USD file based on the file's extension. :Parameters: path : `str` :Returns: If the file extension is a valid USD extension :Rtype: `bool` """ return isUsdExt(os.path.splitext(path)[1])
[docs]def loadUiType(uiFile, sourceFile=None, className="DefaultWidgetClass"): """ Used to define a custom widget's class. :Parameters: uiFile : `str` UI file path. Can be relative if loading from the same directory as sourceFile. sourceFile : `str` File path of loading module. Used to help find embedded resources and to find uiFile when the file path is relative. className : `str` Class name :Returns: Class type :Rtype: `type` """ import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml from StringIO import StringIO from Qt import QtWidgets if not os.path.exists(uiFile) and not os.path.isabs(uiFile): if sourceFile is None: uiFile = resource_filename(__name__, uiFile) sourceDir = os.path.dirname(uiFile) else: sourceDir = os.path.dirname(sourceFile) uiFile = os.path.join(sourceDir, uiFile) else: sourceDir = os.path.dirname(uiFile) # Search for resources in this tool's directory. if sourceDir not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, sourceDir) parsed = xml.parse(uiFile) widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class') form_class = parsed.find('class').text with open(uiFile) as f: o = StringIO() frame = {} uic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0) pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), "<string>", "exec") exec pyc in frame # Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type. form_class = frame["Ui_{}".format(form_class)] base_class = eval("QtWidgets.{}".format(widget_class)) return type("{}Base".format(className), (form_class, base_class), {})
[docs]def loadUiWidget(path, parent=None, source_path=None): """ Load a Qt Designer .ui file and return an instance of the user interface :Parameters: path : `str` Absolute path to .ui file parent : `QtWidgets.QWidget` The widget into which UI widgets are loaded source_path : `str` File loading the UI file, if the UI file is relative and needs to be found in the same directory :Returns: The widget instance :Rtype: `QtWidgets.QWidget` """ from Qt import QtCompat if not os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.isabs(path): # Assume the .ui file lives in this directory. if source_path is None: path = resource_filename(__name__, path) else: path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(source_path)), path) ui = QtCompat.loadUi(path, parent) if parent: #ui.setParent(parent) for member in dir(ui): if not member.startswith('__') and member is not 'staticMetaObject': setattr(parent, member, getattr(ui, member)) return ui
[docs]@contextmanager def overrideCursor(cursor=QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor): """ For use with the "with" keyword, so the override cursor is always restored via a try/finally block, even if the commands in-between fail. Example: with overrideCursor(): # do something that may raise an error """ from Qt.QtWidgets import QApplication QApplication.setOverrideCursor(cursor) try: yield finally: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
[docs]def queryItemValue(url, key, default=None): """ compatibility, since Qt5 introduced QUrlQuery, but doesn't support that. PyQt4 just uses QUrl for everything, including hasQueryItem and queryItemValue. :Parameters: url : `QtCore.QUrl` Full URL with query string key : `str` Query key default Value if key not found :Returns: Query value, or None :Rtype: `str` | None :Raises ValueError: If an invalid query string is given """ url = url.toString() if "?" in url: query = url.split("?", 1)[1] for item in query.split("&"): if item: try: k, v = item.split("=") except ValueError: logger.error("Invalid query string: {}".format(query)) else: if k == key: return v return default
[docs]def queryItemBoolValue(url, key, default=False): """ Get a boolean value from a query string. :Parameters: url : `QtCore.QUrl` Full URL with query string key : `str` Query key default Value if key not found :Returns: Query value :Rtype: `bool` """ value = queryItemValue(url, key, default) return value and value != "0"
[docs]def sdfQuery(link): """ Process a link's query items to see if it has our special sdf entry. This is used to pass along :SDF_FORMAT_ARGS: key/value pairs to downstream files. :Parameters: link : `QtCore.QUrl` Link :Returns: Sdf format args :Rtype: `dict` """ sdf_format_args = {} try: for kv in queryItemValue(link, "sdf", "").split("+"): # TODO: Figure out something that works better as key=value& separators. k, v = kv.split(":", 1) sdf_format_args[k] = v except ValueError: # No sdf query parameter. pass except Exception as e: logger.error("Invalid sdf query parameter: {}".format(e)) return sdf_format_args
[docs]def usdRegEx(exts): """ RegEx to find other file paths in USD-based text files. :Parameters: exts: Iterable of `str` file path extensions without the starting dot. """ return re.compile( r'(?:[\'"@]+)' # 1 or more single quote, double quote, or at symbol. r'(' # Group 1: Path. This is the main group we are looking for. Matches based on extension before the pipe, or variable after the pipe. r'[^\t\n\r\f\v\'"]*?' # 0 or more (greedy) non-whitespace characters (regular spaces are ok) and no quotes followed by a period, then 1 of the acceptable file extensions. NOTE: Backslash exclusion removed for Windows support; make sure this doesn't negatively affect other systems. r'\.(?:'+'|'.join(exts)+r')' # followed by a period, then 1 of the acceptable file extensions r'|\${[\w/${}:.-]+}' # One or more of these characters -- A-Za-z0-9_-/${}:. -- inside the variable curly brackets -- ${} r')' # end group 1 r'(?:\[(.*?)\])?' # Optional layer reference for a usdz file as group 2. TODO: Figure out how to only match this if the extension matched was .usdz (e.g. foo.usdz[path/to/file/within/package.usd]) r'(?::SDF_FORMAT_ARGS:(.*?))?' # Optional :SDF_FORMAT_ARGS:key=value&foo=bar, with the query string parameters as group 3 r'(?:[\'"@]|\\\")' # 1 of: single quote, double quote, backslash followed by double quote, or at symbol. )