Source code for usdmanager

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2018 DreamWorks Animation L.L.C.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Application module for usdmanager.

Class hierarchy:

- App

  - UsdMngrWindow (multiple windows allowed)

    - AddressBar
    - TabWidget

      - TabBar
      - BrowserTab (one tab per file)

        - LineNumbers
        - TextBrowser
        - TextEdit

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import argparse
import cgi
import inspect
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import shlex
import signal
import shutil
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from glob import glob
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

# To lock down or prefer a specific Qt version:
#if "QT_PREFERRED_BINDING" not in os.environ:
#    os.environ["QT_PREFERRED_BINDING"] = os.pathsep.join(["PyQt5", "PySide2", "PyQt4", "PySide"])

import Qt
from Qt import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from Qt.QtCore import Signal, Slot

# versions before 1.1.0 may not support this.
QtPrintSupport = None
    from Qt import QtPrintSupport
except ImportError:

from . import highlighter, images_rc, utils
from .constants import (
from .file_dialog import FileDialog
from .file_status import FileStatus
from .find_dialog import FindDialog
from .linenumbers import LineNumbers
from .include_panel import IncludePanel
from .plugins import images_rc as plugins_rc
from .plugins import Plugin
from .preferences_dialog import PreferencesDialog

# Set up logging.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# compatibility: HACK for missing QUrl.path in PySide2 build.
if Qt.IsPySide2 and not hasattr(QtCore.QUrl, "path"):
    def qUrlPath(self):
        return self.toString(QtCore.QUrl.PrettyDecoded | QtCore.QUrl.RemoveQuery)
    QtCore.QUrl.path = qUrlPath

[docs]class PathCacheDict(defaultdict): """ Cache if file paths referenced more than once in a file exist, so we don't check on disk over and over. """ def __missing__(self, key): self[key] = os.path.exists(key) return self[key]
[docs]class UsdMngrWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): """ File Browser/Text Editor for quick navigation and editing among text-based files that reference other files. Normal links are colored blue (USD Crate files are a different shade of blue). The linked file exists. Links to multiple files are colored yellow. Files may or may not exist. Links that cannot be resolved or confirmed as valid files are colored red. Ideas (in no particular order): - Better usdz support ( - Ability to write and repackage as usdz - Add a preference for which files to enable teletype for (currently hard-coded to .log and .txt files). - Plug-ins based on active file type (ABC-specific commands, USD commands, etc.) - Link matching RegEx based on active file type instead of all using the same rules. Different extensions to search for based on file type, too. - Add customized print options like name of file and date headers, similar to printing a web page. - Move setSource link parsing to a thread? - Move file status to a thread? - From Pixar: There's one feature in a tool our sim dept wrote that might be useful to incorporate into your browser, which can help immensely for big files, and it's to basically allow filtering of what gets displayed for the usd file's contents. Not just like pattern matching so only certain prims/properties get shown (though that is also useful), but things like "don't show timeSamples" or "only show first and last values for each array with an ellipsis in the middle". - Dark theme syntax highlighting could use work. The bare minimum to get this working was done. - Going from Edit mode back to Browse mode shouldn't reload the document if the file on disk hasn't changed. Not sure why this is slower than just loading the browse tab in the first place... - More detailed history that persists between sessions. - Cross-platform testing: - Windows mostly untested. - Mac could use more testing and work with icons and theme. - Remember scroll position per file so going back in history jumps you to approximately where you were before. - Add Browse... buttons to select default applications. - Set consistent cross-platform read/write/execute permissions when saving new files Known issues: - AddressBar file completer has problems occasionally. - Figure out why network printers aren't showing up. Linux or DWA issue? macOS and Windows are fine. - Save As... doesn't add file to recent files or history menus. - problems: - PyQt5 - Non-critical messages - QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-mdsandell' - QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 878, resource id: 26166399, major code: 40 (TranslateCoords), minor code: 0 - PySide2 - Preferences dialog doesn't center on main window, can't load via loadUiType """ editModeChanged = Signal(bool) updatingButtons = Signal() def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Create and initialize the main window. :Parameters: parent : `QtWidgets.QWidget` | None Parent object """ super(UsdMngrWindow, self).__init__(parent, **kwargs) # This window class has access to these member variables: #, self.config. # Set default programs to a dictionary of extension: program pairs, # where the extension is launched with the given program. This is # useful for adding custom programs to view things like .exr images or # .abc models. A blank string is opened by this app, not launched # externally. The user's preferred programs are stored in # self.programs. self.defaultPrograms = {x: "" for x in USD_EXTS} self.defaultPrograms.update(['defaultPrograms']) self.programs = self.defaultPrograms self.masterHighlighters = {} self._darkTheme = False self.contextMenuPos = None self.findDlg = None self.lastOpenFileDir = "" self.linkHighlighted = QtCore.QUrl("") self.quitting = False self.stopLoadingTab = False # TODO: Will we ever need to support transform timeSamples that use parentheses instead of square brackets? self.usdArrayRegEx = re.compile( "((?:\s*(?:\w+\s+)?\w+\[\]\s+[\w:]+\s*=|\s*\d+:)\s*\[)" # Array attribute definition and equal sign, or a frame number and colon, plus the opening bracket. "\s*(.*)\s*" # Everything inside the square brackets. "(\].*)$" # Closing bracket to the end of the line. ) self.setupUi() self.connectSignals() # Find and initialize plugins. self.plugins = [] for module in utils.findModules("plugins"): for name, cls in inspect.getmembers(module, lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass(x, Plugin)): try: plugin = cls(self) except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to initialize {}: {}".format(name, e)) else: self.plugins.append(plugin)
[docs] def setupUi(self): """ Create and lay out the widgets defined in the ui file, then add additional modifications to the UI. """ self.baseInstance = utils.loadUiWidget('main_window.ui', self) # You now have access to the widgets defined in the ui file. # Update some app defaults that required the GUI to be created first. defaultDocFont = QtGui.QFont() defaultDocFont.setStyleHint(QtGui.QFont.Courier) defaultDocFont.setFamily("Monospace") defaultDocFont.setPointSize(9) defaultDocFont.setBold(False) defaultDocFont.setItalic(False)['font'] = defaultDocFont self.readSettings() self.compileLinkRegEx() # Changing the theme while the app is already running doesn't work well. # Currently, we set this once, and the user must restart the application to see changes. userThemeName =['theme'] or self.preferences['theme'] if userThemeName == "dark": self._darkTheme = True # Set usdview-based stylesheet. logger.debug("Setting dark theme") stylesheet = resource_filename(__name__, "usdviewstyle.qss") with open(stylesheet) as f: # Qt style sheet accepts only forward slashes as path separators. sheetString ='RESOURCE_DIR', os.path.dirname(stylesheet).replace("\\", "/")) self.setStyleSheet(sheetString) # Do some additional adjustments for any dark theme, even if it's coming from the system settings. # TODO: Be able to make these adjustments on the fly if the user changes the system theme. if self.isDarkTheme(): highlighter.DARK_THEME = True # Change some more stuff that the stylesheet doesn't catch. p = QtWidgets.QApplication.palette() p.setColor(p.Link, QtGui.QColor(0, 205, 250)) QtWidgets.QApplication.setPalette(p) # Redefine some colors for the dark theme. global HTML_BODY HTML_BODY = """<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><style type="text/css"> a.mayNotExist {{color:#CC6}} a.binary {{color:#69F}} .badLink {{color:#F33}} </style></head><body style="white-space:pre">{}</body></html>""" searchPaths = QtGui.QIcon.themeSearchPaths() extraSearchPaths = [x for x in['themeSearchPaths'] if x not in searchPaths] if extraSearchPaths: searchPaths = extraSearchPaths + searchPaths QtGui.QIcon.setThemeSearchPaths(searchPaths) # Set the preferred theme name for some non-standard icons. QtGui.QIcon.setThemeName(['iconTheme']) # Try to adhere to the freedesktop icon standards: # # Some icons are preferred from the crystal_project set, which sadly follows different naming standards. # While we can define theme icons in the .ui file, it doesn't give us the fallback option. # Additionally, it doesn't work in Qt 4.8.6 but does work in Qt 5.10.0. # If you don't have the proper icons installed, the actions simply won't have an icon. It's non-critical. ft = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme self.menuOpenRecent.setIcon(ft("document-open-recent")) self.actionPrintPreview.setIcon(ft("document-print-preview")) self.menuRecentlyClosedTabs.setIcon(ft("document-open-recent")) self.actionEdit.setIcon(ft("accessories-text-editor")) self.actionIndent.setIcon(ft("format-indent-more")) self.actionUnindent.setIcon(ft("format-indent-less")) self.exitAction.setIcon(ft("application-exit")) self.documentationAction.setIcon(ft("help-browser")) self.aboutAction.setIcon(ft("help-about")) icon = ft("window-close") if icon.isNull(): self.buttonCloseFind.setText("x") else: self.buttonCloseFind.setIcon(ft("window-close")) # Try for standard name, then fall back to crystal_project name. self.actionBrowse.setIcon(ft("applications-internet", ft("Globe"))) self.actionFileInfo.setIcon(ft("dialog-information", ft("info"))) self.actionPreferences.setIcon(ft("preferences-system", ft("configure"))) self.actionZoomIn.setIcon(ft("zoom-in", ft("viewmag+"))) self.actionZoomOut.setIcon(ft("zoom-out", ft("viewmag-"))) self.actionNormalSize.setIcon(ft("zoom-original", ft("viewmag1"))) textEdit = ft("accessories-text-editor", ft("edit")) self.actionEdit.setIcon(textEdit) self.actionTextEditor.setIcon(textEdit) self.buttonGo.setIcon(ft("media-playback-start", ft("1rightarrow"))) self.actionFullScreen.setIcon(ft("view-fullscreen", ft("window_fullscreen"))) self.browserReloadIcon = ft("view-refresh", ft("reload")) self.actionRefresh.setIcon(self.browserReloadIcon) self.browserStopIcon = ft("process-stop", ft("stop")) self.actionStop.setIcon(self.browserStopIcon) # Try for crystal_project name, then fall back to standard name. self.actionFind.setIcon(ft("find", ft("edit-find"))) self.actionOpen.setIcon(ft("fileopen", ft("document-open"))) self.buttonFindPrev.setIcon(ft("previous", ft("go-previous"))) self.buttonFindNext.setIcon(ft("next", ft("go-next"))) self.actionNewWindow.setIcon(ft("new_window", ft("window-new"))) self.actionOpenWith.setIcon(ft("terminal", ft("utilities-terminal"))) self.actionPrint.setIcon(ft("printer", ft("document-print"))) self.actionUndo.setIcon(ft("undo", ft("edit-undo"))) self.actionRedo.setIcon(ft("redo", ft("edit-redo"))) self.actionCut.setIcon(ft("editcut", ft("edit-cut"))) self.actionCopy.setIcon(ft("editcopy", ft("edit-copy"))) self.actionPaste.setIcon(ft("editpaste", ft("edit-paste"))) self.actionSelectAll.setIcon(ft("ark_selectall", ft("edit-select-all"))) self.actionSave.setIcon(ft("filesave", ft("document-save"))) self.actionSaveAs.setIcon(ft("filesaveas", ft("document-save-as"))) self.actionBack.setIcon(ft("back", ft("go-previous"))) self.actionForward.setIcon(ft("forward", ft("go-next"))) self.actionGoToLineNumber.setIcon(ft("goto", ft("go-jump"))) newTab = ft("tab_new", ft("tab-new")) self.actionNewTab.setIcon(newTab) self.buttonNewTab.setIcon(newTab) removeTab = ft("tab_remove", ft("window-close")) self.actionCloseTab.setIcon(removeTab) self.buttonClose.setIcon(removeTab) # These icons have non-standard names and may only be available in crystal_project icons or a similar set. self.binaryIcon = ft("binary") self.zipIcon = ft("zip") self.actionCommentOut.setIcon(ft("comment")) self.actionUncomment.setIcon(ft("removecomment")) self.buttonHighlightAll.setIcon(ft("highlight")) self.aboutQtAction.setIcon( self.actionBrowse.setVisible(False) self.actionSelectAll.setEnabled(True) self.findWidget.setVisible(False) self.labelFindStatus.setVisible(False) # Some of our objects still need to be modified. # Remove them from the layout so everything can be added and placed properly. self.verticalLayout.removeWidget(self.buttonGo) self.verticalLayout.removeWidget(self.findWidget) self.includeWidget = IncludePanel(['dir'], filter=FILE_FILTER, selectedFilter=FILE_FILTER[FILE_FORMAT_NONE], parent=self) self.includeWidget.showAll(self.preferences['showHiddenFiles']) self.addressBar = AddressBar(self) # Toolbars self.navToolbar.addWidget(self.addressBar) self.navToolbar.addWidget(self.buttonGo) self.menuToolbars.addAction(self.editToolbar.toggleViewAction()) self.menuToolbars.addAction(self.navToolbar.toggleViewAction()) # Status Bar self.fileStatusButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.statusbar) self.fileStatusButton.setFlat(True) self.fileStatusButton.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.NoFocus) self.fileStatusButton.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(16,16)) self.fileStatusButton.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {background-color: none; border: none; margin:0; padding:0;}") self.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self.fileStatusButton) # Tabbed browser self.menuTabList = QtWidgets.QMenu(self) self.buttonTabList.setMenu(self.menuTabList) self.tabWidget = TabWidget(self) self.tabWidget.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.tabWidget.setFont(self.preferences['font']) self.tabWidget.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.tabWidget.setStyleSheet( "QPushButton:hover{border:1px solid #8f8f91; border-radius:3px; background-color:qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 #f6f7fa, stop:1 #dadbde);}" "QPushButton:pressed{background-color:qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 #dadbde, stop:1 #f6f7fa);}") self.tabWidget.setCornerWidget(self.buttonNewTab, QtCore.Qt.TopLeftCorner) self.tabWidget.setCornerWidget(self.tabTopRightWidget, QtCore.Qt.TopRightCorner) self.tabLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(self.tabWidget) self.tabLayout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) self.tabLayout.setSpacing(5) # Edit self.editWidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(self) self.editLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self.editWidget) self.editLayout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) self.editLayout.addWidget(self.tabWidget) self.editLayout.addWidget(self.findWidget) # Main self.verticalLayout.removeWidget(self.mainWidget) self.mainWidget = QtWidgets.QSplitter(self) self.mainWidget.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) self.mainWidget.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.mainWidget.addWidget(self.includeWidget) self.mainWidget.addWidget(self.editWidget) self.toggleInclude(self.preferences['includeVisible']) self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.mainWidget) # Extra context menu actions self.actionOpenLinkNewWindow = QtWidgets.QAction(self.actionNewWindow.icon(), "Open Link in New &Window", self) self.actionOpenLinkNewTab = QtWidgets.QAction(self.actionNewTab.icon(), "Open Link in New &Tab", self) self.actionOpenLinkWith = QtWidgets.QAction(self.actionOpenWith.icon(), "&Open Link With...", self) self.actionSaveLinkAs = QtWidgets.QAction(self.actionSaveAs.icon(), "Save Lin&k As...", self) self.actionCloseOther = QtWidgets.QAction(self.actionCloseTab.icon(), "Close Other Tabs", self) self.actionCloseRight = QtWidgets.QAction(self.actionCloseTab.icon(), "Close Tabs to the Right", self) self.actionRefreshTab = QtWidgets.QAction(self.actionRefresh.icon(), "&Refresh", self) self.actionDuplicateTab = QtWidgets.QAction(ft("tab_duplicate"), "&Duplicate", self) self.actionViewSource = QtWidgets.QAction(ft("html"), "View Page So&urce", self) # Extra keyboard shortcuts QtWidgets.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+="), self, self.increaseFontSize) QtWidgets.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+F"), self, self.toggleFind) QtWidgets.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Backspace"), self, self.onBackspace) QtWidgets.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("F5"), self, self.refreshTab) # Set up master highlighter objects that we will share rules among. # These objects don't actually do any highlighting. The individual # instances of the Highlighter class we create later does the work. self.masterHighlighters[None] = self.createHighlighter(highlighter.MasterHighlighter) highlighterClasses = highlighter.findHighlighters() # TODO: Create these on demand instead of all when the app launches. for highlighterCls in highlighterClasses: self.createHighlighter(highlighterCls) # Add one of our special tabs. self.newTab() self.currTab = self.tabWidget.currentWidget() self.setNavigationMenus() # Adjust tab order. self.setTabOrder(self.addressBar, self.includeWidget.listView) self.setTabOrder(self.includeWidget.listView, self.includeWidget.fileNameEdit) self.setTabOrder(self.includeWidget.fileNameEdit, self.includeWidget.fileTypeCombo) self.setTabOrder(self.includeWidget.fileTypeCombo, self.findBar) self.setTabOrder(self.findBar, self.buttonFindNext) self.setTabOrder(self.buttonFindNext, self.buttonFindPrev) self.setTabOrder(self.buttonFindPrev, self.buttonHighlightAll) self.setTabOrder(self.buttonHighlightAll, self.checkBoxMatchCase) self.toggleInclude(self.preferences['includeVisible']) # OS-specific hacks. # QSysInfo doesn't have productType until Qt5. if (Qt.IsPySide2 or Qt.IsPyQt5) and QtCore.QSysInfo.productType() in ["osx", "macos"]: self.buttonTabList.setIcon(ft("1downarrow1")) # OSX likes to add its own Enter/Exit Full Screen item, not recognizing we already have one. self.actionFullScreen.setEnabled(False) self.menuView.removeAction(self.actionFullScreen)
[docs] def createHighlighter(self, highlighterClass): """ Create a language-specific master highlighter to be used for any file of that language. :Parameters: highlighterClass : `highlighter.MasterHighlighter` Master highlighter or subclass :Returns: Highlighter instance :Rtype: `highlighter.MasterHighlighter` """ h = highlighterClass(self, self.preferences['syntaxHighlighting'], self.programs) for ext in h.extensions: self.masterHighlighters[ext] = h return h
[docs] def setHighlighter(self, ext=None): """ Set the current tab's highlighter based on the current file extension. :Parameters: ext : `str` | None File extension (language) to highlight. """ if ext not in self.masterHighlighters: logger.debug("Using default highlighter") ext = None master = self.masterHighlighters[ext] if type(self.currTab.highlighter.master) is not master: logger.debug("Setting highlighter to {}".format(ext)) self.currTab.highlighter.deleteLater() self.currTab.highlighter = highlighter.Highlighter(self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().document(), master)
[docs] def compileLinkRegEx(self): """ Compile regular expression to find links based on the acceptable extensions stored in self.programs. NOTE: If this RegEx is changed, the syntax highlighting rule needs to be as well. TODO: Support different search rules for different file extensions. Since we use the RegEx match groups in setSource, each file type might be responsible for building its own HTML representation at that point. """ exts = self.programs.keys() self.re_usd = utils.usdRegEx(exts)
[docs] @Slot(QtCore.QPoint) def customTextBrowserContextMenu(self, pos): """ Slot for the right-click context menu when in Browse mode. :Parameters: pos : `QtCore.QPoint` Position of the right-click """ menu = self.currTab.textBrowser.createStandardContextMenu() actions = menu.actions() # Right now, you may see the open in new tab action even if you aren't # hovering over a link. Ideally, because of imperfection with the hovering # signal, we would check if the cursor is hovering over a link here. if self.linkHighlighted.toString(): menu.insertAction(actions[0], self.actionOpenLinkNewWindow) menu.insertAction(actions[0], self.actionOpenLinkNewTab) menu.insertAction(actions[0], self.actionOpenLinkWith) menu.insertSeparator(actions[0]) menu.addAction(self.actionSaveLinkAs) else: menu.insertAction(actions[0], self.actionBack) menu.insertAction(actions[0], self.actionForward) menu.insertAction(actions[0], self.actionRefresh) menu.insertAction(actions[0], self.actionStop) menu.insertSeparator(actions[0]) menu.addAction(self.actionSaveAs) path = self.currTab.getCurrentPath() if path: menu.addSeparator() if utils.isUsdFile(path): menu.addAction(self.actionUsdView) menu.addAction(self.actionTextEditor) menu.addAction(self.actionOpenWith) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction(self.actionFileInfo) menu.addAction(self.actionViewSource) actions[0].setIcon(self.actionCopy.icon()) actions[3].setIcon(self.actionSelectAll.icon()) menu.exec_(self.currTab.textBrowser.mapToGlobal(pos)) del actions, menu
[docs] @Slot(QtCore.QPoint) def customTextEditorContextMenu(self, pos): """ Slot for the right-click context menu when in Edit mode. :Parameters: pos : `QtCore.QPoint` Position of the right-click """ # Add icons to standard context menu. menu = self.currTab.textEditor.createStandardContextMenu() actions = menu.actions() actions[0].setIcon(self.actionUndo.icon()) actions[1].setIcon(self.actionRedo.icon()) actions[3].setIcon(self.actionCut.icon()) actions[4].setIcon(self.actionCopy.icon()) actions[5].setIcon(self.actionPaste.icon()) actions[6].setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("edit-delete")) actions[8].setIcon(self.actionSelectAll.icon()) path = self.currTab.getCurrentPath() if path: menu.addSeparator() if utils.isUsdFile(path): menu.addAction(self.actionUsdView) menu.addAction(self.actionTextEditor) menu.addAction(self.actionOpenWith) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction(self.actionFileInfo) menu.exec_(self.currTab.textEditor.mapToGlobal(pos)) del actions, menu
[docs] @Slot(QtCore.QPoint) def customTabWidgetContextMenu(self, pos): """ Slot for the right-click context menu for the tab widget. :Parameters: pos : `QtCore.QPoint` Position of the right-click """ menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(self) menu.addAction(self.actionNewTab) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction(self.actionRefreshTab) menu.addAction(self.actionDuplicateTab) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction(self.actionCloseTab) menu.addAction(self.actionCloseOther) menu.addAction(self.actionCloseRight) self.contextMenuPos = self.tabWidget.tabBar.mapFromParent(pos) indexOfClickedTab = self.tabWidget.tabBar.tabAt(self.contextMenuPos) if indexOfClickedTab == -1: self.actionCloseTab.setEnabled(False) self.actionCloseOther.setEnabled(False) self.actionCloseRight.setEnabled(False) self.actionRefreshTab.setEnabled(False) self.actionDuplicateTab.setEnabled(False) else: self.actionCloseTab.setEnabled(True) self.actionCloseOther.setEnabled(self.tabWidget.count() > 1) self.actionCloseRight.setEnabled(indexOfClickedTab < self.tabWidget.count() - 1) self.actionRefreshTab.setEnabled(bool(self.tabWidget.widget(indexOfClickedTab).getCurrentPath())) self.actionDuplicateTab.setEnabled(True) menu.exec_(self.tabWidget.mapToGlobal(pos)) del menu self.contextMenuPos = None
[docs] def readSettings(self): """ Read in user config settings. """ logger.debug("Reading user settings from {}".format(self.config.fileName())) default = self.preferences = { 'parseLinks': self.config.boolValue("parseLinks", default['parseLinks']), 'newTab': self.config.boolValue("newTab", default['newTab']), 'syntaxHighlighting': self.config.boolValue("syntaxHighlighting", default['syntaxHighlighting']), 'teletype': self.config.boolValue("teletype", default['teletype']), 'lineNumbers': self.config.boolValue("lineNumbers", default['lineNumbers']), 'showAllMessages': self.config.boolValue("showAllMessages", default['showAllMessages']), 'showHiddenFiles': self.config.boolValue("showHiddenFiles", default['showHiddenFiles']), 'font': self.config.value("font", default['font']), 'fontSizeAdjust': int(self.config.value("fontSizeAdjust", default['fontSizeAdjust'])), 'findMatchCase': self.config.boolValue("findMatchCase", default['findMatchCase']), 'includeVisible': self.config.boolValue("includeVisible", default['includeVisible']), 'lastOpenWithStr': self.config.value("lastOpenWithStr", default['lastOpenWithStr']), 'textEditor': self.config.value("textEditor", default['textEditor']), 'diffTool': self.config.value("diffTool", default['diffTool']), 'autoCompleteAddressBar': self.config.boolValue("autoCompleteAddressBar", default['autoCompleteAddressBar']), 'useSpaces': self.config.boolValue("useSpaces", default['useSpaces']), 'tabSpaces': int(self.config.value("tabSpaces", default['tabSpaces'])), 'theme': self.config.value("theme", default['theme']), 'lineLimit': int(self.config.value("lineLimit", default['lineLimit'])), } # Read 'programs' settings object into self.programs. progs = [] size = self.config.beginReadArray("programs") for i in range(size): self.config.setArrayIndex(i) progs.append([self.config.value("extension"), self.config.value("program")]) self.config.endArray() if not progs: # If no programs exist, use the default ones. logger.debug("Setting default programs.") else: self.programs = dict(progs) # Unfortunately, the programs setting was designed so it would save out the setting # the first time the user opened the programs. That meant that any new file types added # would not get picked up by the user. This isn't a perfect solution, since a user may # have intentionally removed a file type, but add back any keys from the defaults that # are not in the user's settings. for key in self.defaultPrograms: if key not in self.programs: logger.debug("Restoring program for file type {}".format(key)) self.programs[key] = self.defaultPrograms[key] # Set toolbar visibility and positioning. standardVis = self.config.boolValue("standardToolbarVisible", True) self.editToolbar.setVisible(standardVis) self.editToolbar.toggleViewAction().setChecked(standardVis) # Nav toolbar. navVis = self.config.boolValue("navToolbarVisible", True) self.navToolbar.setVisible(navVis) # Get recent files list. for path in self.getRecentFilesFromSettings(): action = RecentFile(path, self.menuOpenRecent, self.openRecent) self.menuOpenRecent.addAction(action) if self.menuOpenRecent.actions(): self.menuOpenRecent.setEnabled(True) # Update GUI to match preferences. self.checkBoxMatchCase.setChecked(self.preferences['findMatchCase']) self.actionIncludePanel.setChecked(self.preferences['includeVisible']) # Restore window state. geometry = self.config.value("geometry") if geometry is not None: self.restoreGeometry(geometry) windowState = self.config.value("windowState") if windowState is not None: self.restoreState(windowState)
[docs] def writeSettings(self): """ Write out user config settings to disk. This should only write settings modified via the Preferences dialog, as other preferences like "recentFiles" will be written immediately as they're modified. Some settings like window state are only saved on exit. """ logger.debug("Writing user settings to {}".format(self.config.fileName())) self.config.setValue("parseLinks", self.preferences['parseLinks']) self.config.setValue("newTab", self.preferences['newTab']) self.config.setValue("syntaxHighlighting", self.preferences['syntaxHighlighting']) self.config.setValue("teletype", self.preferences['teletype']) self.config.setValue("lineNumbers", self.preferences['lineNumbers']) self.config.setValue("showAllMessages", self.preferences['showAllMessages']) self.config.setValue("showHiddenFiles", self.preferences['showHiddenFiles']) self.config.setValue("font", self.preferences['font']) self.config.setValue("textEditor", self.preferences['textEditor']) self.config.setValue("diffTool", self.preferences['diffTool']) self.config.setValue("autoCompleteAddressBar", self.preferences['autoCompleteAddressBar']) self.config.setValue("useSpaces", self.preferences['useSpaces']) self.config.setValue("tabSpaces", self.preferences['tabSpaces']) self.config.setValue("theme", self.preferences['theme']) self.config.setValue("lineLimit", self.preferences['lineLimit']) # Write self.programs to settings object exts = self.programs.keys() progs = self.programs.values() self.config.beginWriteArray("programs") for i in range(len(progs)): self.config.setArrayIndex(i) self.config.setValue("extension", exts[i]) self.config.setValue("program", progs[i]) self.config.endArray()
[docs] def getRecentFilesFromSettings(self): """ Get recent files from user settings. :Returns: Recent files as `str` paths :Rtype: `list` """ paths = [] size = min(self.config.beginReadArray("recentFiles"), RECENT_FILES) for i in range(size): self.config.setArrayIndex(i) path = self.config.value("path") if path: paths.append(path) self.config.endArray() return paths
[docs] def writeRecentFilesToSettings(self, paths): """ Write recent files list to user settings. :Parameters: paths : `list` List of `str` file paths """ self.config.beginWriteArray("recentFiles") for i, path in enumerate(paths): if i == RECENT_FILES: break self.config.setArrayIndex(i) self.config.setValue("path", path) self.config.endArray()
[docs] def addRecentFileToSettings(self, path): """ Add a recent file to the user settings. Re-read the user settings from disk to get the latest (in case there are any other open instances of this app updating the list), then just prepend the one latest file. :Parameters: path : `str` File path """ paths = [x for x in self.getRecentFilesFromSettings() if x != path] paths.insert(0, path) self.writeRecentFilesToSettings(paths)
[docs] def connectSignals(self): """ Connect signals to slots. """ # Include Panel self.includeWidget.openFile.connect(self.onOpen) self.mainWidget.splitterMoved.connect(self.setIncludePanelActionState) # Editors. self.actionOpenLinkNewWindow.triggered.connect(self.onOpenLinkNewWindow) self.actionOpenLinkNewTab.triggered.connect(self.onOpenLinkNewTab) self.actionSaveLinkAs.triggered.connect(self.saveLinkAs) self.tabWidget.currentChanged.connect(self.currentTabChanged) # File Menu self.actionNewWindow.triggered.connect(self.newWindow) self.actionNewTab.triggered.connect(self.newTab) self.actionOpen.triggered.connect(self.openFileDialogToCurrentPath) self.actionSave.triggered.connect(self.saveTab) self.actionSaveAs.triggered.connect(self.saveFileAs) self.actionPrintPreview.triggered.connect(self.printPreview) self.actionPrint.triggered.connect(self.printDialog) self.actionCloseTab.triggered.connect(self.closeTab) self.actionCloseOther.triggered.connect(self.closeOtherTabs) self.actionCloseRight.triggered.connect(self.closeRightTabs) # Edit Menu self.actionEdit.triggered.connect(self.toggleEdit) self.actionBrowse.triggered.connect(self.toggleEdit) self.actionUndo.triggered.connect(self.undo) self.actionRedo.triggered.connect(self.redo) self.actionCut.triggered.connect(self.cut) self.actionCopy.triggered.connect(self.copy) self.actionPaste.triggered.connect(self.paste) self.actionSelectAll.triggered.connect(self.selectAll) self.actionFind.triggered.connect(self.showFindReplaceDlg) self.actionFindPrev.triggered.connect(self.findPrev) self.actionFindNext.triggered.connect(self.find) self.actionGoToLineNumber.triggered.connect(self.goToLineNumberDlg) self.actionPreferences.triggered.connect(self.editPreferences) # View Menu self.actionIncludePanel.toggled.connect(self.toggleInclude) self.actionRefresh.triggered.connect(self.refreshTab) self.actionStop.triggered.connect(self.stopTab) self.actionZoomIn.triggered.connect(self.increaseFontSize) self.actionZoomOut.triggered.connect(self.decreaseFontSize) self.actionNormalSize.triggered.connect(self.defaultFontSize) self.actionFullScreen.toggled.connect(self.toggleFullScreen) # History Menu self.actionBack.triggered.connect(self.browserBack) self.actionForward.triggered.connect(self.browserForward) # Commands Menu self.actionDiffFile.triggered.connect(self.diffFile) self.actionFileInfo.triggered.connect(self.fileInfo) self.actionCommentOut.triggered.connect(self.commentTextRequest) self.actionUncomment.triggered.connect(self.uncommentTextRequest) self.actionIndent.triggered.connect(self.indentText) self.actionUnindent.triggered.connect(self.unindentText) self.actionUsdView.triggered.connect(self.launchUsdView) self.actionTextEditor.triggered.connect(self.launchTextEditor) self.actionOpenWith.triggered.connect(self.launchProgramOfChoice) self.actionOpenLinkWith.triggered.connect(self.onOpenLinkWith) # Help Menu self.aboutAction.triggered.connect(self.showAboutDialog) self.aboutQtAction.triggered.connect(self.showAboutQtDialog) self.documentationAction.triggered.connect(self.openUrl) # Miscellaneous buttons, checkboxes, etc. self.addressBar.textEdited.connect(self.validateAddressBar) self.addressBar.openFile.connect(self.onOpen) self.addressBar.goPressed.connect(self.goPressed) self.buttonGo.clicked.connect(self.goPressed) self.breadcrumb.linkActivated.connect(self.onBreadcrumbActivated) self.breadcrumb.linkHovered.connect(self.onBreadcrumbHovered) self.tabWidget.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.customTabWidgetContextMenu) self.buttonNewTab.clicked.connect(self.newTab) self.buttonClose.clicked.connect(self.closeTab) self.tabWidget.tabBar.tabMoveRequested.connect(self.moveTab) self.tabWidget.tabBar.crossWindowTabMoveRequested.connect(self.moveTabAcrossWindows) self.actionDuplicateTab.triggered.connect(self.duplicateTab) self.actionRefreshTab.triggered.connect(self.refreshSelectedTab) self.actionViewSource.triggered.connect(self.viewSource) # Find self.buttonCloseFind.clicked.connect(self.toggleFindClose) self.findBar.textEdited.connect(self.validateFindBar) self.findBar.returnPressed.connect(self.find) self.buttonFindPrev.clicked.connect(self.findPrev) self.buttonFindNext.clicked.connect(self.find) self.buttonHighlightAll.clicked.connect(self.findHighlightAll) self.checkBoxMatchCase.stateChanged[int].connect(self.updatePreference_findMatchCase)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """ Override the default closeEvent called on exit. """ # Check if we want to save any dirty tabs. self.quitting = True for i in range(self.tabWidget.count()): self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) if not self.closeTab(): # Don't quit. event.ignore() self.quitting = False self.findHighlightAll() return # Ok to quit. # Save user settings that don't get controlled by the Preferences dialog and don't already write to the config. self.config.setValue("standardToolbarVisible", self.editToolbar.isVisible()) self.config.setValue("navToolbarVisible", self.navToolbar.isVisible()) self.config.setValue("geometry", self.saveGeometry()) self.config.setValue("windowState", self.saveState()) event.accept()
""" File Menu Methods """
[docs] @Slot() def newWindow(self): """ Create a new window. :Returns: New main window widget :Rtype: `QtGui.QWidget` """ return
[docs] @Slot(bool) def newTab(self, *args): """ Create a new tab. """ newTab = BrowserTab(self.tabWidget) newTab.highlighter = highlighter.Highlighter(newTab.getCurrentTextWidget().document(), self.masterHighlighters[None]) newTab.textBrowser.zoomIn(self.preferences['fontSizeAdjust']) newTab.textEditor.zoomIn(self.preferences['fontSizeAdjust']) self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(self.tabWidget.addTab(newTab, "(Untitled)")) self.addressBar.setFocus() # Add to menu of tabs. self.menuTabList.addAction(newTab.action) self.connectTabSignals(newTab)
[docs] def connectTabSignals(self, tab): """ Connect signals for a new tab. :Parameters: tab : `TabWidget` Tab widget """ # Keep in sync with signals in disconnectTabSignals. tab.openFile.connect(self.onOpen) tab.openOldUrl.connect(self.onOpenOldUrl) tab.changeTab.connect(self.changeTab) tab.restoreTab.connect(self.restoreTab) tab.textBrowser.anchorClicked.connect(self.setSource) tab.textBrowser.highlighted[QtCore.QUrl].connect(self.hoverUrl) tab.textBrowser.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.customTextBrowserContextMenu) tab.textEditor.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.customTextEditorContextMenu) tab.textBrowser.copyAvailable.connect(self.actionCopy.setEnabled) tab.textEditor.document().modificationChanged.connect(self.setDirtyTab) tab.textEditor.undoAvailable.connect(self.actionUndo.setEnabled) tab.textEditor.redoAvailable.connect(self.actionRedo.setEnabled) tab.textEditor.copyAvailable.connect(self.actionCopy.setEnabled) tab.textEditor.copyAvailable.connect(self.actionCut.setEnabled)
[docs] def disconnectTabSignals(self, tab): """ Disconnect signals for a tab. :Parameters: tab : `TabWidget` Tab widget """ # Keep in sync with signals in connectTabSignals. tab.openFile.disconnect(self.onOpen) tab.openOldUrl.disconnect(self.onOpenOldUrl) tab.changeTab.disconnect(self.changeTab) tab.restoreTab.disconnect(self.restoreTab) tab.textBrowser.anchorClicked.disconnect(self.setSource) tab.textBrowser.highlighted[QtCore.QUrl].disconnect(self.hoverUrl) tab.textBrowser.customContextMenuRequested.disconnect(self.customTextBrowserContextMenu) tab.textEditor.customContextMenuRequested.disconnect(self.customTextEditorContextMenu) tab.textBrowser.copyAvailable.disconnect(self.actionCopy.setEnabled) tab.textEditor.document().modificationChanged.disconnect(self.setDirtyTab) tab.textEditor.undoAvailable.disconnect(self.actionUndo.setEnabled) tab.textEditor.redoAvailable.disconnect(self.actionRedo.setEnabled) tab.textEditor.copyAvailable.disconnect(self.actionCopy.setEnabled) tab.textEditor.copyAvailable.disconnect(self.actionCut.setEnabled)
[docs] def openFileDialog(self, path=None): """ Show the Open File dialog and open any selected files. :Parameters: path : `str` | None File path to pre-select on open """ startFilter = FILE_FILTER[self.currTab.fileFormat] fd = FileDialog(self, "Open File(s)", self.lastOpenFileDir, FILE_FILTER, startFilter, self.preferences['showHiddenFiles']) fd.setFileMode(fd.ExistingFiles) if path: fd.selectFile(path) if fd.exec_() == fd.Accepted: paths = fd.selectedFiles() if paths: self.lastOpenFileDir = QtCore.QFileInfo(paths[0]).absoluteDir().path() self.setSources(paths)
[docs] @Slot() def openFileDialogToCurrentPath(self): """ Show the Open File dialog and open any selected files, pre-selecting the current file (if any). """ self.openFileDialog(self.currTab.getCurrentPath())
[docs] @Slot(str) def openRecent(self, path): """ Open an item from the Open Recent menu in a new tab. :Parameters: path : `str` File path """ self.setSource(QtCore.QUrl(path), newTab=True)
[docs] def saveFile(self, filePath, fileFormat=FILE_FORMAT_NONE, _checkUsd=True): """ Save the current file as the given filePath. :Parameters: filePath : `str` Path to save file as. fileFormat : `int` File format when saving as a generic extension _checkUsd : `bool` Check if this needs to be written as a binary USD file instead of a text file :Returns: If saved or not. :Rtype: `bool` """ logger.debug("Checking file status") path = QtCore.QFile(filePath) if path.exists() and not QtCore.QFileInfo(path).isWritable(): self.showCriticalMessage("The file is not writable.\n{}".format(filePath), title="Save File") return False logger.debug("Writing file") self.setOverrideCursor() # If the file is originally a usd crate file or the user is saving it with the .usdc extension, or the user is # saving it with .usd but fileFormat is set to usdc, save to a temp file then usdcat back to a binary file. crate = False _, ext = os.path.splitext(filePath) if _checkUsd: if ext == ".usdc": crate = True elif ext == ".usd" and (fileFormat == FILE_FORMAT_USDC or (fileFormat == FILE_FORMAT_NONE and self.currTab.fileFormat == FILE_FORMAT_USDC)): crate = True if crate: fd, tmpPath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".usd", os.close(fd) status = False if self.saveFile(tmpPath, fileFormat, False): try: logger.debug("Converting back to USD crate file") utils.usdcat(tmpPath, filePath, format="usdc") except Exception: logger.debug("Save failed on USD crate conversion") self.restoreOverrideCursor() self.showCriticalMessage("The file could not be saved due to a usdcat error!", traceback.format_exc(), "Save File") else: status = True self.currTab.fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USDC self.restoreOverrideCursor() else: self.restoreOverrideCursor() os.remove(tmpPath) return status elif fileFormat == FILE_FORMAT_USDZ: # TODO: usdz support self.restoreOverrideCursor() self.showCriticalMessage("Writing usdz files is not yet supported!", title="Save File") return False elif | QtCore.QIODevice.Text): try: # Which method is better? path.write(str(self.currTab.textEditor.toPlainText())) #out = QtCore.QTextStream(path) #out << self.currTab.textEditor.toPlainText() except Exception: self.restoreOverrideCursor() self.showCriticalMessage("The file could not be saved!", traceback.format_exc(), "Save File") return False else: if ext in [".usd", ".usda"]: self.currTab.fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USDA else: self.currTab.fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_NONE self.restoreOverrideCursor() finally: path.close() self.setDirtyTab(False) return True else: self.restoreOverrideCursor() self.showCriticalMessage("The file could not be opened for saving!", title="Save File") return False
[docs] def getSaveAsPath(self, path=None): """ Get a path from the user to save an arbitrary file as. :Parameters: path : `str` | None Path to use for selecting default file extension filter. :Returns: Tuple of the absolute path user wants to save file as (or None if no file was selected or an error occurred) and the file format if explicitly set for USD files (e.g. usda) :Rtype: (`str`|None, `int`) """ fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_NONE if path: startFilter = FILE_FILTER[FILE_FORMAT_USD if utils.isUsdFile(path) else FILE_FORMAT_NONE] else: path = self.currTab.getCurrentPath() startFilter = FILE_FILTER[self.currTab.fileFormat] dlg = FileDialog(self, "Save File As", path or self.lastOpenFileDir, FILE_FILTER, startFilter, self.preferences['showHiddenFiles']) dlg.setAcceptMode(dlg.AcceptSave) dlg.setFileMode(dlg.AnyFile) if dlg.exec_() != dlg.Accepted: return None, fileFormat filePaths = dlg.selectedFiles() if not filePaths or not filePaths[0]: return None, fileFormat filePath = filePaths[0] selectedFilter = dlg.selectedNameFilter() # TODO: Is there a more generic way to enforce this? modifiedExt = False validExts = [x.lstrip("*") for x in selectedFilter.rsplit("(", 1)[1].rsplit(")", 1)[0].split()] _, ext = os.path.splitext(filePath) if selectedFilter == FILE_FILTER[FILE_FORMAT_USD]: if ext not in validExts: self.showCriticalMessage("Please enter a valid extension for a usd file") return self.getSaveAsPath(filePath) if ext == ".usda": fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USDA elif ext == ".usdc": fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USDC elif ext == ".usdz": fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USDZ elif selectedFilter == FILE_FILTER[FILE_FORMAT_USDA]: fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USDA if ext not in validExts: self.showCriticalMessage("Please enter a valid extension for a usda file") return self.getSaveAsPath(filePath) elif selectedFilter == FILE_FILTER[FILE_FORMAT_USDC]: fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USDC if ext not in validExts: self.showCriticalMessage("Please enter a valid extension for a usdc file") return self.getSaveAsPath(filePath) elif selectedFilter == FILE_FILTER[FILE_FORMAT_USDZ]: fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USDZ if ext not in validExts: # Sanity check in case we ever allow more extensions. if len(validExts) == 1: # Just add the .usdz extension since it can't be anything else. filePath += ".usdz" modifiedExt = True else: self.showCriticalMessage("Please enter a valid extension for a usdz file") return self.getSaveAsPath(filePath) info = QtCore.QFileInfo(filePath) self.lastOpenFileDir = info.absoluteDir().path() # Only needed if we're modifying the extension ourselves; otherwise, Qt handles this. # If this file already exists, make sure we want to overwrite it. if modifiedExt and info.exists(): dlg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question( self, "Save File As", "The file already exists. Are you sure you wish to overwrite it?\n{}".format(filePath), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Save | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel) if dlg != QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Save: # Re-open this dialog to get a new path. return self.getSaveAsPath(path) # Now we have a valid path to save as. return filePath, fileFormat
[docs] @Slot() def saveFileAs(self): """ Save the current file with a new filename. :Returns: If saved or not. :Rtype: `bool` """ filePath, fileFormat = self.getSaveAsPath() if filePath is not None: # Save file and apply new name where needed. if self.saveFile(filePath, fileFormat): idx = self.tabWidget.currentIndex() fileInfo = QtCore.QFileInfo(filePath) fileName = fileInfo.fileName() ext = fileInfo.suffix() self.tabWidget.setTabText(idx, fileName) if self.currTab.fileFormat == FILE_FORMAT_USDC: self.tabWidget.setTabIcon(idx, self.binaryIcon) self.tabWidget.setTabToolTip(idx, "{} - {} (binary)".format(fileName, filePath)) elif self.currTab.fileFormat == FILE_FORMAT_USDZ: self.tabWidget.setTabIcon(idx, self.zipIcon) self.tabWidget.setTabToolTip(idx, "{} - {} (zip)".format(fileName, filePath)) else: self.tabWidget.setTabIcon(idx, QtGui.QIcon()) self.tabWidget.setTabToolTip(idx, "{} - {}".format(fileName, filePath)) self.currTab.updateHistory(QtCore.QUrl(filePath)) self.currTab.updateFileStatus() self.setHighlighter(ext) self.updateButtons() return True return False
[docs] @Slot() def saveLinkAs(self): """ The user right-clicked a link and wants to save it as a new file. Get a new file path with the Save As dialog and copy the original file to the new file, opening the new file in a new tab. """ path = self.linkHighlighted.toString(QtCore.QUrl.RemoveQuery) if "*" in path or "<UDIM>" in path: self.showWarningMessage("Link could not be resolved as it may point to multiple files.") return qFile = QtCore.QFile(path) if qFile.exists(): saveAsPath, fileFormat = self.getSaveAsPath(path) if saveAsPath is not None: try: if fileFormat == self.currTab.fileFormat: qFile.copy(saveAsPath) self.setSource(QtCore.QUrl(saveAsPath), newTab=True) else: # Open the link first, so it's easier to use the saveFile functionality to handle format # conversion. self.setSource(self.linkHighlighted, newTab=True) self.saveFile(saveAsPath, fileFormat) self.setSource(QtCore.QUrl(saveAsPath)) except Exception: self.showCriticalMessage("Unable to save {} as {}.".format(path, saveAsPath), traceback.format_exc(), "Save Link As") else: self.showWarningMessage("Selected file does not exist.")
[docs] @Slot() def saveTab(self): """ If the file already has a name, save it; otherwise, get a filename and save it. :Returns: If saved or not. :Rtype: `bool` """ filePath = self.currTab.getCurrentPath() if filePath: return self.saveFile(filePath) return self.saveFileAs()
[docs] @Slot(bool) def printDialog(self, checked=False): """ Open a print dialog. :Parameters: checked : `bool` For signal only """ if QtPrintSupport is None: self.showWarningMessage("Printing is not supported on your system, as Qt.QtPrintSupport could not be " "imported.") return dlg = QtPrintSupport.QPrintDialog(self) if self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().textCursor().hasSelection(): dlg.setOption(dlg.PrintSelection) if dlg.exec_() == dlg.Accepted: self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().print_(dlg.printer())
[docs] @Slot(bool) def printPreview(self, checked=False): """ Open a print preview dialog. :Parameters: checked : `bool` For signal only """ if QtPrintSupport is None: self.showWarningMessage("Printing is not supported on your system, as Qt.QtPrintSupport could not be " "imported.") return dlg = QtPrintSupport.QPrintPreviewDialog(self) if self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().textCursor().hasSelection(): # TODO: Is there a way to expose this as a toggle in the print # preview dialog, since it might not always be desired? dlg.printer().setPrintRange(QtPrintSupport.QPrinter.Selection) dlg.paintRequested.connect(self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().print_) dlg.exec_()
[docs] @Slot(bool) def closeTab(self, checked=False, index=None): """ Close the current tab. :Parameters: checked : `bool` For signal only index : `int` | None Try to close this specific tab instead of where the context menu originated. :Returns: If the tab was closed or not. If the tab needed to be saved, for example, and the user cancelled, this returns False. :Rtype: `bool` """ prevTab = None if index is None: prevTab = None if self.contextMenuPos is not None: # Grab tab at the position of latest context menu. tab = self.tabWidget.tabBar.tabAt(self.contextMenuPos) if tab != -1: # Store previous tab so we can switch back to it. prevTab = self.tabWidget.currentWidget() self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(tab) else: # Don't close anything. # Clicked somewhere on the tab bar where there isn't a tab. return False else: if index != self.tabWidget.currentIndex(): prevTab = self.tabWidget.currentWidget() self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(index) # Check if the current tab is dirty. Saves if needed. if not self.dirtySave(): return False # Closing the last of our tabs. if self.tabWidget.count() == 1: self.newTab() self.removeTab(0) # Closing a tab, but not the last one. else: self.removeTab(self.tabWidget.currentIndex()) # Switch back to the previous tab. if prevTab is not None: self.tabWidget.setCurrentWidget(prevTab) return True
[docs] @Slot(bool) def closeOtherTabs(self, *args): """ Close all tabs except the current tab. """ # Grab tab at the position of latest context menu. # This is the one tab we'll keep. All others will be closed. if self.contextMenuPos is None: return indexToKeep = self.tabWidget.tabBar.tabAt(self.contextMenuPos) if indexToKeep == -1: # The user clicked on the tab bar where there isn't a tab. return indexToRm = 0 while indexToRm < self.tabWidget.count(): if indexToRm < indexToKeep: if self.closeTab(index=indexToRm): # We successfully removed another tab, so the index of the # one we want to keep decreases. indexToKeep -= 1 else: # We did not remove a tab (maybe the user didn't want to # save it yet), so up the index we're trying to remove. indexToRm += 1 elif indexToRm == indexToKeep: # Skip this one. indexToRm += 1 elif not self.closeTab(index=indexToRm): indexToRm += 1
[docs] @Slot(bool) def closeRightTabs(self, *args): """ Close all tabs to the right of the current tab. """ # Grab tab at the position of latest context menu. # This is the one tab we'll keep. All others will be closed. if self.contextMenuPos is None: return indexToKeep = self.tabWidget.tabBar.tabAt(self.contextMenuPos) if indexToKeep == -1: # The user clicked on the tab bar where there isn't a tab. return indexToRm = indexToKeep + 1 while indexToRm < self.tabWidget.count(): if not self.closeTab(index=indexToRm): indexToRm += 1
[docs] @Slot(int, int) def moveTab(self, fromIndex, toIndex): """ Rearrange tabs in menu after a drag/drop event. This isn't moving the tab itself. That's handled in the TabWidget class. :Parameters: fromIndex : `int` Original tab position toIndex : `int` New tab position """ actions = self.menuTabList.actions() action = actions[fromIndex] self.menuTabList.removeAction(action) # Moving to a higher index. if toIndex > fromIndex: # Insert before another action. if toIndex+1 < len(actions): beforeAction = actions[toIndex+1] self.menuTabList.insertAction(beforeAction, action) # Add to end of actions. else: self.menuTabList.addAction(action) # Moving to a lower index. else: beforeAction = actions[toIndex] self.menuTabList.insertAction(beforeAction, action)
[docs] @Slot(int, int, int, int) def moveTabAcrossWindows(self, fromIndex, toIndex, fromWindow, toWindow): """ Rearrange tabs in menu after a drag/drop event. This isn't moving the tab itself. That's handled in the TabWidget class. :Parameters: fromIndex : `int` Original tab position toIndex : `int` New tab position """ logger.debug("moveTabAcrossWindows {} {} {} {}".format(fromIndex, toIndex, fromWindow, toWindow)) srcWindow =[fromWindow] dstWindow =[toWindow] # Remove from the source window's current tab list. action = srcWindow.menuTabList.actions()[fromIndex] srcWindow.menuTabList.removeAction(action) # Remove from the source window's tab widget. tab = srcWindow.tabWidget.widget(fromIndex) text = srcWindow.tabWidget.tabText(fromIndex) icon = srcWindow.tabWidget.tabIcon(fromIndex) if srcWindow.tabWidget.count() == 1: # We're removing the last tab. Add a new, blank tab first. srcWindow.newTab() srcWindow.tabWidget.removeTab(fromIndex) srcWindow.disconnectTabSignals(tab) # Add to the destination window. dstWindow.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(dstWindow.tabWidget.insertTab(toIndex, tab, icon, text)) # Update menu actions in destination window. actions = dstWindow.menuTabList.actions() if toIndex >= len(actions): dstWindow.menuTabList.addAction(action) else: beforeAction = actions[toIndex] dstWindow.menuTabList.insertAction(beforeAction, action) dstWindow.connectTabSignals(tab) # Use the new window's syntax highlighter. fileInfo = QtCore.QFileInfo(tab.getCurrentPath()) ext = fileInfo.suffix() dstWindow.setHighlighter(ext)
[docs] def removeTab(self, index): """ Stores as recently closed tab, then closes it. :Parameters: index : `int` Index of tab to remove. """ # Get tab we're about to remove. tab = self.tabWidget.widget(index) # Remove from tab widget. self.tabWidget.removeTab(index) # Remove from current tab list. action = self.menuTabList.actions()[index] self.menuTabList.removeAction(action) if tab.isNewTab: # Clear memory del tab else: # Set tab inactive. tab.isActive = False # Get rid of the oldest tab if we already have the max. tabActions = self.menuRecentlyClosedTabs.actions() if len(tabActions) > RECENT_TABS - 1: self.menuRecentlyClosedTabs.removeAction(tabActions[0]) del tabActions # Add to recently closed tab list. self.menuRecentlyClosedTabs.addAction(action) self.menuRecentlyClosedTabs.setEnabled(True)
""" Edit Menu Methods """
[docs] @Slot() def toggleEdit(self): """ Switch between Browse mode and Edit mode. :Returns: True if we switched modes; otherwise, False. This only returns False if we were in Edit mode and the user cancelled due to unsaved changes. :Rtype: `bool` """ # Don't change between browse and edit mode if dirty. Saves if needed. if not self.dirtySave(): return False refreshed = False # Toggle edit mode self.currTab.inEditMode = not self.currTab.inEditMode if self.currTab.inEditMode: # Set editor's scroll position to browser's position. hScrollPos = self.currTab.textBrowser.horizontalScrollBar().value() vScrollPos = self.currTab.textBrowser.verticalScrollBar().value() self.currTab.textBrowser.setVisible(False) self.currTab.textEditor.setVisible(True) self.currTab.lineNumbers.setTextWidget(self.currTab.textEditor) self.currTab.textEditor.setFocus() self.currTab.textEditor.horizontalScrollBar().setValue(hScrollPos) self.currTab.textEditor.verticalScrollBar().setValue(vScrollPos) else: # Set browser's scroll position to editor's position. hScrollPos = self.currTab.textEditor.horizontalScrollBar().value() vScrollPos = self.currTab.textEditor.verticalScrollBar().value() # TODO: If we edited the file (or it changed on disk since we loaded it, even if the user ignored the # prompt to reload it?), make sure we reload it in the browser tab. Currently, we just always reload it to # be safe, but this can be slow. refreshed = self.refreshTab() self.currTab.textEditor.setVisible(False) self.currTab.textBrowser.setVisible(True) self.currTab.lineNumbers.setTextWidget(self.currTab.textBrowser) self.currTab.textBrowser.setFocus() self.currTab.textBrowser.horizontalScrollBar().setValue(hScrollPos) self.currTab.textBrowser.verticalScrollBar().setValue(vScrollPos) # Don't double-up the below commands if we already refreshed the tab. if not refreshed: # Update highlighter. self.currTab.highlighter.setDocument(self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().document()) self.updateEditButtons() self.editModeChanged.emit(self.currTab.inEditMode) return True
[docs] @Slot() def undo(self): """ Undo last change in the current text editor. """ self.currTab.textEditor.undo()
[docs] @Slot() def redo(self): """ Redo last change in the current text editor. """ self.currTab.textEditor.redo()
[docs] @Slot() def cut(self): """ Cut selected text in the current text editor. """ self.currTab.textEditor.cut() if self.currTab.inEditMode: self.actionPaste.setEnabled(True)
[docs] @Slot() def copy(self): """ Copy selected text in the current text editor. """ self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().copy() if self.currTab.inEditMode: self.actionPaste.setEnabled(True)
[docs] @Slot() def paste(self): """ Paste selected text in the current text editor. """ self.currTab.textEditor.paste()
[docs] @Slot() def selectAll(self): """ Select all text in the current focused widget. """ if self.addressBar.hasFocus(): self.addressBar.selectAll() elif self.findBar.hasFocus(): self.findBar.selectAll() elif self.includeWidget.fileNameEdit.hasFocus(): self.includeWidget.fileNameEdit.selectAll() else: self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().selectAll()
[docs] @Slot() def toggleFind(self): """ Show/Hide the Find bar. """ self.findWidget.setVisible(True) self.findBar.selectAll() self.findBar.setFocus()
[docs] @Slot() def toggleFindClose(self): """ Hide the Find bar. """ self.findWidget.setVisible(False)
[docs] @Slot() def find(self, flags=None, startPos=3, loop=True): """ Find next hit for the search text. :Parameters: flags Options for document().find(). startPos : `int` Position from which the search should begin. 0=Start of document 1=End of document 2=Start of selection 3=End of selection (default) loop : `bool` True lets us loop through the beginning or end of a document if the phrase was not found from the current position. False limits that behavior so that we don't endlessly loop. """ # Set options. if flags is None: searchFlags = QtGui.QTextDocument.FindFlags() else: searchFlags = flags if self.preferences['findMatchCase']: searchFlags |= QtGui.QTextDocument.FindCaseSensitively currTextWidget = self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget() # Set where to start searching from. if startPos == 0: currPos = 0 elif startPos == 1: # Moving our current cursor doesn't work, so create a temporary one to find the end of the document. tmpCursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(currTextWidget.document()) tmpCursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) currPos = tmpCursor.position() del tmpCursor elif startPos == 2: currPos = currTextWidget.textCursor().selectionStart() else: # startPos == 3 currPos = currTextWidget.textCursor().selectionEnd() # Find text. cursor = currTextWidget.document().find(self.findBar.text(), currPos, searchFlags) if cursor.hasSelection(): # Found phrase. Set cursor and formatting. currTextWidget.setTextCursor(cursor) self.findBar.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit{{background:{}}}".format("inherit" if self.isDarkTheme() else "none")) if loop: # Didn't just loop through the document, so hide any messages. self.labelFindPixmap.setVisible(False) self.labelFindStatus.setVisible(False) elif loop: self.labelFindPixmap.setPixmap(self.browserReloadIcon.pixmap(16,16)) self.labelFindStatus.setText("Search wrapped") self.labelFindPixmap.setVisible(True) self.labelFindStatus.setVisible(True) # loop = False because we don't want to create an infinite recursive search. if searchFlags & QtGui.QTextDocument.FindBackward: self.find(flags=QtGui.QTextDocument.FindBackward, startPos=1, loop=False) else: self.find(startPos=0, loop=False) else: # If nothing was still found, set formatting. self.labelFindPixmap.setPixmap(self.browserStopIcon.pixmap(16,16)) self.labelFindStatus.setText("Phrase not found") self.labelFindPixmap.setVisible(True) self.labelFindStatus.setVisible(True) self.findBar.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit{background:salmon}") if self.buttonHighlightAll.isChecked(): self.findHighlightAll()
[docs] @Slot() def findPrev(self): """ Find previous hit for the search text. """ self.find(flags=QtGui.QTextDocument.FindBackward, startPos=2)
[docs] @Slot() def findHighlightAll(self): """ Highlight all hits for the search text. """ phrase = self.findBar.text() if self.buttonHighlightAll.isChecked() else highlighter.DONT_MATCH_PHRASE if phrase != self.masterHighlighters[None].findPhrase: for lang, h in self.masterHighlighters.iteritems(): h.setFindPhrase(phrase) if self.currTab.highlighter.dirty: with self.overrideCursor(): self.currTab.highlighter.rehighlight()
[docs] @Slot() def showFindReplaceDlg(self): """ Show the Find/Replace dialog. """ if self.findDlg is not None: self.findDlg.deleteLater() self.findDlg = FindDialog(self) # Connect signals. self.findDlg.findBtn.clicked.connect(self.find2) self.findDlg.replaceBtn.clicked.connect(self.replace) self.findDlg.replaceFindBtn.clicked.connect(self.replaceFind) self.findDlg.replaceAllBtn.clicked.connect(self.replaceAll) self.findDlg.replaceAllOpenBtn.clicked.connect(self.replaceAllInOpenFiles) # Make sure the dialog updates if the edit mode of the current tab changes. self.findDlg.updateForEditMode(self.currTab.inEditMode) self.editModeChanged.connect(self.findDlg.updateForEditMode) # Open dialog.
[docs] @Slot() def find2(self, startPos=3, loop=True, findText=None): """ Find functionality for find/replace dialog. :Parameters: startPos : `int` Position from which the search should begin. 0=Start of document 1=End of document 2=Start of selection 3=End of selection (default) loop : `bool` True lets us loop through the beginning or end of a document if the phrase was not found from the current position. False limits that behavior so that we don't endlessly loop. findText : `str` Text to find. """ # Set options. searchFlags = QtGui.QTextDocument.FindFlags() if self.findDlg.caseSensitiveCheck.isChecked(): searchFlags |= QtGui.QTextDocument.FindCaseSensitively if self.findDlg.wholeWordsCheck.isChecked(): searchFlags |= QtGui.QTextDocument.FindWholeWords if self.findDlg.searchBackwardsCheck.isChecked(): searchFlags |= QtGui.QTextDocument.FindBackward if startPos == 3: startPos = 2 currTextWidget = self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget() # Set where to start searching from. if startPos == 0: currPos = 0 elif startPos == 1: # Moving our current cursor doesn't work, so create a temporary one to find the end of the document. tmpCursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(currTextWidget.document()) tmpCursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) currPos = tmpCursor.position() del tmpCursor elif startPos == 2: currPos = currTextWidget.textCursor().selectionStart() else: # startPos == 3 currPos = currTextWidget.textCursor().selectionEnd() # Find text. if findText is None: findText = self.getFindText() cursor = currTextWidget.document().find(findText, currPos, searchFlags) if cursor.hasSelection(): # Found phrase. Set cursor and formatting. currTextWidget.setTextCursor(cursor) self.findDlg.statusBar.clearMessage() self.findDlg.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit#findLineEdit{background:none}") return True elif loop: # loop = False because we don't want to create an infinite recursive search. startPos = 1 if (searchFlags & QtGui.QTextDocument.FindBackward) else 0 return self.find2(startPos=startPos, loop=False) else: self.findDlg.statusBar.showMessage("Phrase not found") self.findDlg.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit#findLineEdit{background:salmon}") return False
[docs] @Slot() def replace(self, findText=None, replaceText=None): """ Replace next hit for the search text. """ if findText is None: findText = self.getFindText() if replaceText is None: replaceText = self.getReplaceText() # If we already have a selection. cursor = self.currTab.textEditor.textCursor() if cursor.hasSelection() and cursor.selectedText() == findText: self.currTab.textEditor.insertPlainText(replaceText) self.findDlg.statusBar.showMessage("1 occurrence replaced.") # If we don't have a selection, try to get a new one. elif self.find2(findText): self.replace(findText, replaceText)
[docs] @Slot() def replaceFind(self): """ Replace next hit for the search text, then find the next after that. """ self.replace() self.find2()
[docs] @Slot() def replaceAll(self): """ Replace all occurrences of the search text. """ count = 0 with self.overrideCursor(): findText = self.getFindText() replaceText = self.getReplaceText() found = self.findAndReplace(findText, replaceText) while found: count += 1 found = self.findAndReplace(findText, replaceText, startPos=3) if count > 0: self.findDlg.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit#findLineEdit{background:none}") self.findDlg.statusBar.showMessage("{} occurrence{} replaced.".format(count, '' if count == 1 else 's')) else: self.findDlg.statusBar.showMessage("Phrase not found. 0 occurrences replaced.")
[docs] @Slot() def replaceAllInOpenFiles(self): """ Iterate through all the writable tabs, finding and replacing the search text. """ count = files = 0 with self.overrideCursor(): findText = self.getFindText() replaceText = self.getReplaceText() origTab = self.tabWidget.currentIndex() for i in range(self.tabWidget.count()): self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(i) status = self.currTab.getFileStatus() if not status.writable: continue if not self.currTab.inEditMode: self.toggleEdit() fileChanged = False found = self.findAndReplace(findText, replaceText) while found: fileChanged = True count += 1 found = self.findAndReplace(findText, replaceText, startPos=3) if fileChanged: files += 1 # End on the original tab. if self.tabWidget.currentIndex() != origTab: self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(origTab) if count > 0: self.findDlg.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit#findLineEdit{background:none}") self.findDlg.statusBar.showMessage("{} occurrence{} replaced in {} file{}.".format( count, '' if count == 1 else 's', files, '' if files == 1 else 's')) else: self.findDlg.statusBar.showMessage("Phrase not found. 0 occurrences replaced.")
[docs] def findAndReplace(self, findText, replaceText, startPos=0): """ Replace a single occurrence of a phrase. :Parameters: findText : `str` Text to find replaceText : `str` Text to replace with startPos : `int` Position from which the search should begin. 0=Start of document (default) 1=End of document 2=Start of selection 3=End of selection :Returns: Whether or not a match was found. :Rtype: `bool` """ # Find one occurrence... if self.find2(startPos=startPos, loop=False, findText=findText): # ...and replace it. cursor = self.currTab.textEditor.textCursor() if cursor.hasSelection() and cursor.selectedText() == findText: self.currTab.textEditor.insertPlainText(replaceText) return True return False
[docs] def getFindText(self): """ Get the text to find. :Returns: The search text from the Find/Replace dialog. :Rtype: `str` """ return self.findDlg.findLineEdit.text()
[docs] def getReplaceText(self): """ Get the text to replace the search text with. :Returns: The replace text from the Find/Replace dialog. :Rtype: `str` """ return self.findDlg.replaceLineEdit.text()
[docs] @Slot() def goToLineNumberDlg(self): """ Get a line number from the user and scroll to it. """ textWidget = self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget() currLine = textWidget.textCursor().blockNumber() + 1 maxLine = textWidget.document().blockCount() # Get line number. Current = current line, min = 1, max = number of lines. line = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getInt(self, "Go To Line Number", "Line number:", currLine, 1, maxLine) if line[1]: self.goToLineNumber(line[0])
[docs] def goToLineNumber(self, line=1): """ Go to the given line number :Parameters: line : `int` Line number to scroll to. Defaults to 1 (top of document). """ textWidget = self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget() block = textWidget.document().findBlockByNumber(line - 1) cursor = textWidget.textCursor() cursor.setPosition(block.position()) # Highlight entire line. pos = block.position() + block.length() - 1 if pos != -1: cursor.setPosition(pos, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) textWidget.setTextCursor(cursor) textWidget.ensureCursorVisible()
[docs] def tabIterator(self): """ Iterator through the tab widgets. """ for i in range(self.tabWidget.count()): yield self.tabWidget.widget(i)
[docs] @Slot() def editPreferences(self): """ Open Preferences dialog """ dlg = PreferencesDialog(self) # Open dialog. if dlg.exec_() == dlg.Accepted: # Users currently have to refresh to see these changes. self.preferences['parseLinks'] = dlg.getPrefParseLinks() self.preferences['syntaxHighlighting'] = dlg.getPrefSyntaxHighlighting() self.preferences['teletype'] = dlg.getPrefTeletypeConversion() self.preferences['theme'] = dlg.getPrefTheme() # These changes do not require the user to refresh any tabs to see the change. self.preferences['newTab'] = dlg.getPrefNewTab() self.preferences['lineNumbers'] = dlg.getPrefLineNumbers() self.preferences['showAllMessages'] = dlg.getPrefShowAllMessages() self.preferences['showHiddenFiles'] = dlg.getPrefShowHiddenFiles() self.preferences['autoCompleteAddressBar'] = dlg.getPrefAutoCompleteAddressBar() self.preferences['textEditor'] = dlg.getPrefTextEditor() self.preferences['diffTool'] = dlg.getPrefDiffTool() self.preferences['font'] = dlg.getPrefFont() self.preferences['useSpaces'] = dlg.getPrefUseSpaces() self.preferences['tabSpaces'] = dlg.getPrefTabSpaces() self.preferences['lineLimit'] = dlg.getPrefLineLimit() # Update font and line number visibility in all tabs. self.tabWidget.setFont(self.preferences['font']) self.includeWidget.showAll(self.preferences['showHiddenFiles']) for w in self.tabIterator(): w.textBrowser.setFont(self.preferences['font']) w.textBrowser.zoomIn(self.preferences['fontSizeAdjust']) w.textEditor.setFont(self.preferences['font']) w.textEditor.zoomIn(self.preferences['fontSizeAdjust']) w.lineNumbers.setVisible(self.preferences['lineNumbers']) w.setTabSpaces(self.preferences['useSpaces'], self.preferences['tabSpaces']) programs = dlg.getPrefPrograms() if programs != self.programs: self.programs = programs # Update regex used for searching links. self.compileLinkRegEx() # Update highlighter. for lang, h in self.masterHighlighters.iteritems(): h.setLinkPattern(self.programs) for lang, h in self.masterHighlighters.iteritems(): h.setSyntaxHighlighting(self.preferences['syntaxHighlighting']) # Enable/Disable completer on address bar. if self.preferences['autoCompleteAddressBar']: self.addressBar.setCompleter(self.addressBar.customCompleter) else: self.addressBar.setCompleter(QtWidgets.QCompleter()) # Save the preferences to disk. self.writeSettings()
[docs] def updatePreference(self, key, value): """ Update a user preference, setting the preferences dict and updating the config file. :Parameters: key : `str` Preference key value Serializable preference value """ self.preferences[key] = value self.config.setValue(key, value)
[docs] @Slot(int) def updatePreference_findMatchCase(self, checked): """ Stores a bool representation of checkbox's state. :Parameters: checked : `int` State of checkbox. """ checked = checked == QtCore.Qt.Checked if checked != self.preferences['findMatchCase']: self.updatePreference('findMatchCase', checked) for lang, h in self.masterHighlighters.iteritems(): h.setFindCase(checked) with self.overrideCursor(): self.currTab.highlighter.rehighlight()
[docs] @Slot(str) def validateFindBar(self, text): """ Update widgets on the Find bar as the search text changes. :Parameters: text : `str` Current text in the find bar. """ if text != "": self.buttonFindPrev.setEnabled(True) self.buttonFindNext.setEnabled(True) self.actionFindPrev.setEnabled(True) self.actionFindNext.setEnabled(True) self.buttonHighlightAll.setEnabled(True) self.find(startPos=2) # Find as user types. else: self.buttonFindPrev.setEnabled(False) self.buttonFindNext.setEnabled(False) self.actionFindPrev.setEnabled(False) self.actionFindNext.setEnabled(False) self.buttonHighlightAll.setEnabled(False) if self.buttonHighlightAll.isChecked(): self.findHighlightAll() self.findBar.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit{{background:{}}}".format("inherit" if self.isDarkTheme() else "none")) self.labelFindPixmap.setVisible(False) self.labelFindStatus.setVisible(False)
""" View Menu Methods """
[docs] @Slot(bool) def toggleInclude(self, checked): """ Show/Hide the side file browser. :Parameters: checked : `bool` State of checked menu. """ self.updatePreference('includeVisible', checked) self.mainWidget.setSizes([1 if checked else 0, 1500])
[docs] @Slot(int, int) def setIncludePanelActionState(self, pos=0, index=0): """ Set the check state of the include panel action. If it is visible, the action will be checked. :Parameters: pos : `int` Position from left edge of widget. For catching signal only. index : `int` Splitter handle index. For catching signal only. """ self.actionIncludePanel.setChecked(self.mainWidget.sizes()[0] != 0)
[docs] @Slot() def duplicateTab(self): """ Duplicate the tab that was right-clicked. This doesn't duplicate edit state or any history at the moment. """ origIndex = self.tabWidget.tabBar.tabAt(self.contextMenuPos) origPath = self.tabWidget.widget(origIndex).getCurrentUrl() # Create a new tab and select it, positioning it immediately after the original tab. self.newTab() fromIndex = self.tabWidget.currentIndex() toIndex = origIndex + 1 if fromIndex != toIndex: self.tabWidget.moveTab(fromIndex, toIndex) # Open the same document as the original tab. if not origPath.isEmpty(): self.setSource(origPath)
[docs] @Slot() def refreshSelectedTab(self): """ Refresh the tab that was right-clicked. """ currIndex = self.tabWidget.currentIndex() selectedIndex = self.tabWidget.tabBar.tabAt(self.contextMenuPos) selectedTab = self.tabWidget.widget(selectedIndex) self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(selectedIndex) self.setSource(selectedTab.getCurrentUrl(), isNewFile=False, hScrollPos=selectedTab.getCurrentTextWidget().horizontalScrollBar().value(), vScrollPos=selectedTab.getCurrentTextWidget().verticalScrollBar().value()) self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(currIndex)
[docs] @Slot() def refreshTab(self): """ Refresh the current tab. :Returns: If the tab was reloaded successfully. :Rtype: `bool` """ # Only refresh the tab if the refresh action is enabled, since the F5 shortcut is never disabled, # and methods sometimes call this directly even though we do not want to refresh. if self.actionRefresh.isEnabled(): return self.setSource(self.currTab.getCurrentUrl(), isNewFile=False, hScrollPos=self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().horizontalScrollBar().value(), vScrollPos=self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().verticalScrollBar().value()) return False
[docs] @Slot() def stopTab(self): """ Stop loading the current tab. """ self.stopLoadingTab = True
[docs] @Slot() def increaseFontSize(self): """ Increase font size in the text browser and editor. """ for w in self.tabIterator(): w.textBrowser.zoomIn() w.textEditor.zoomIn() self.updatePreference('fontSizeAdjust', self.preferences['fontSizeAdjust'] + 1)
[docs] @Slot() def decreaseFontSize(self): """ Decrease font size in the text browser and editor. """ for w in self.tabIterator(): w.textBrowser.zoomOut() w.textEditor.zoomOut() self.updatePreference('fontSizeAdjust', self.preferences['fontSizeAdjust'] - 1)
[docs] @Slot() def defaultFontSize(self): """ Reset the text browser and editor to the default font size. """ for w in self.tabIterator(): w.textBrowser.zoomIn(-self.preferences['fontSizeAdjust']) w.textEditor.zoomIn(-self.preferences['fontSizeAdjust']) self.updatePreference('fontSizeAdjust', 0)
[docs] @Slot(bool) def toggleFullScreen(self, *args): """ Toggle between full screen mode """ self.setWindowState(self.windowState() ^ QtCore.Qt.WindowFullScreen)
""" History Menu Methods """
[docs] @Slot() def browserBack(self): """ Go back one step in history for the current tab. """ # Check if there are any changes to be saved before we modify the history. if not self.dirtySave(): return self.currTab.goBack()
[docs] @Slot() def browserForward(self): """ Go forward one step in history for the current tab. """ # Check if there are any changes to be saved before we modify the history. if not self.dirtySave(): return self.currTab.goForward()
[docs] @Slot(QtWidgets.QWidget) def restoreTab(self, tab): """ Restore a previously closed tab. :Parameters: tab : `QtWidgets.QWidget` Tab widget """ # Find out if current tab is blank. index = -1 if self.currTab.isNewTab: index = self.tabWidget.currentIndex() if index != -1: logger.debug("Restoring tab at index {}".format(index)) # If we had a blank tab to start with, swap it with the new tab. # Be sure to add the new tab before removing the old tab so we always have at least one tab. self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(self.tabWidget.insertTab(index, tab, tab.action.icon(), QtCore.QFileInfo(tab.getCurrentPath()).fileName())) self.tabWidget.removeTab(index + 1) actions = self.menuTabList.actions() oldAction = actions[index] self.menuTabList.insertAction(oldAction, tab.action) self.menuTabList.removeAction(oldAction) else: # Add the new tab to the end of the list. logger.debug("Restoring tab at end") self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(self.tabWidget.addTab(tab, tab.action.icon(), QtCore.QFileInfo(tab.getCurrentPath()).fileName())) self.menuTabList.addAction(tab.action) # Remove the restored tab from the recently closed tabs menu. self.menuRecentlyClosedTabs.removeAction(tab.action) # Re-activate the restored tab. self.currTab.isActive = True # Disable menu if there are no more recent tabs. if not self.menuRecentlyClosedTabs.actions(): self.menuRecentlyClosedTabs.setEnabled(False) # Update settings in the recently re-opened tab that may have changed. if self.preferences['font'] !=['font']: tab.textBrowser.setFont(self.preferences['font']) tab.textEditor.setFont(self.preferences['font']) tab.lineNumbers.setVisible(self.preferences['lineNumbers'])
# TODO: If this file doesn't exist or has changed on disk, reload it or warn the user? """ Commands Menu Methods """
[docs] @Slot() def diffFile(self): """ Compare current version of file in app to current version on disk. Allows you to make comparisons using a temporary file, without saving your changes. """ path = self.currTab.getCurrentPath() fd, tmpPath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=QtCore.QFileInfo(path).fileName(), with os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as f: f.write(self.currTab.textEditor.toPlainText()) args = shlex.split(self.preferences['diffTool']) + [path, tmpPath] self.launchProcess(args)
[docs] @staticmethod def getPermissionString(path): """ Get permissions string for a file's mode. compatibility fix since QFileInfo.permissions isn't in PySide2. :Parameters: path : `str` File path :Returns: String corresponding to read (r), write (w), and execute (x) permissions for file. """ mode = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE] perms = "-" for who in "USR", "GRP", "OTH": for what in "R", "W", "X": if mode & getattr(stat, "S_I" + what + who): perms += what.lower() else: perms += "-" return perms
[docs] @Slot() def fileInfo(self): """ Display information about the current file. """ # Get file information. path = self.currTab.getCurrentPath() info = QtCore.QFileInfo(path) if not info.exists(): self.showWarningMessage("Selected file does not exist.") return size = info.size() owner = info.owner() modified = info.lastModified().toString() # Former PyQt4 way before moving to getPermissionString method. """ perms = info.permissions() permissions = "-" permissions += "r" if perms & QtCore.QFile.ReadUser else "-" permissions += "w" if perms & QtCore.QFile.WriteUser else "-" permissions += "x" if perms & QtCore.QFile.ExeUser else "-" permissions += "r" if perms & QtCore.QFile.ReadGroup else "-" permissions += "w" if perms & QtCore.QFile.WriteGroup else "-" permissions += "x" if perms & QtCore.QFile.ExeGroup else "-" permissions += "r" if perms & QtCore.QFile.ReadOther else "-" permissions += "w" if perms & QtCore.QFile.WriteOther else "-" permissions += "x" if perms & QtCore.QFile.ExeOther else "-" """ permissions = self.getPermissionString(path) # Create dialog to display info. dlg = QtWidgets.QDialog(self) dlg.setWindowIcon( dlg.setWindowTitle("File Information") layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(dlg) labelName = QtWidgets.QLabel("<b>{}</b>".format(info.fileName())) labelName.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) layout.addWidget(labelName, 0, 0, 1, 0) labelPath1 = QtWidgets.QLabel("Full path:") labelPath2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(path) labelSize1 = QtWidgets.QLabel("Size:") labelSize2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(utils.humanReadableSize(size)) labelPermissions1 = QtWidgets.QLabel("Permissions:") labelPermissions2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(permissions) labelOwner1 = QtWidgets.QLabel("Owner:") labelOwner2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(owner) labelModified1 = QtWidgets.QLabel("Modified:") labelModified2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(modified) # Set text interaction. labelName.setTextInteractionFlags(QtCore.Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) labelPath2.setTextInteractionFlags(QtCore.Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) labelSize2.setTextInteractionFlags(QtCore.Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) labelPermissions2.setTextInteractionFlags(QtCore.Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) labelOwner2.setTextInteractionFlags(QtCore.Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) labelModified2.setTextInteractionFlags(QtCore.Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) # Add to layout. layout.addWidget(labelPath1, 1, 0) layout.addWidget(labelPath2, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(labelSize1, 2, 0) layout.addWidget(labelSize2, 2, 1) layout.addWidget(labelPermissions1, 3, 0) layout.addWidget(labelPermissions2, 3, 1) layout.addWidget(labelOwner1, 4, 0) layout.addWidget(labelOwner2, 4, 1) layout.addWidget(labelModified1, 5, 0) layout.addWidget(labelModified2, 5, 1) btnBox = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok) layout.addWidget(btnBox, 6, 0, 1, 0) btnBox.accepted.connect(dlg.accept) dlg.exec_()
[docs] def getCommentStrings(self): """ Get the language-specific string(s) for a comment. :Returns: Tuple of start `str` and end `str` defining a comment. :Rtype: `tuple` """ path = self.currTab.getCurrentPath() if path: ext = QtCore.QFileInfo(path).suffix() if ext in self.masterHighlighters: extHighlighter = self.masterHighlighters[ext] if extHighlighter.comment: return extHighlighter.comment, "" elif extHighlighter.multilineComment: return extHighlighter.multilineComment # Default to generic USD and Python comments. return "#", ""
[docs] @Slot() def commentTextRequest(self): """ Slot called by the Comment action. """ self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().commentOutText(*self.getCommentStrings())
[docs] @Slot() def uncommentTextRequest(self): """ Slot called by the Uncomment action. """ self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().uncommentText(*self.getCommentStrings())
[docs] @Slot() def indentText(self): """ Indent selected lines by one tab stop. """ self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().indentText()
[docs] @Slot() def unindentText(self): """ Un-indent selected lines by one tab stop. """ self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().unindentText()
[docs] @Slot() def launchTextEditor(self): """ Launch the current file in a separate text editing application. """ path = self.currTab.getCurrentPath() args = shlex.split(self.preferences['textEditor']) + [path] self.launchProcess(args)
[docs] @Slot() def launchUsdView(self): """ Launch the current file in usdview. """ app =['usdview'] path = self.currTab.getCurrentPath() # Files with spaces have to be double-quoted on Windows for usdview. if == "nt": cmd = '{} "{}"'.format(app, path) self.launchProcess(cmd, shell=True) else: args = [app, path] self.launchProcess(args)
[docs] @Slot() def launchProgramOfChoice(self, path=None): """ Open a file with a program given by the user. :Parameters: path : `str` File to open. If None, use currently open file. """ if path is None: path = self.currTab.getCurrentPath() # Get program of choice from user. prog, ok = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getText( self, "Open with...", "Please enter the program you would like to open this file with.\n\nYou may include command line " "options as well, and the file path will be appended to the end of the command.\n\n" "Example:\n usdview --unloaded\n rm\n", QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Normal, self.preferences['lastOpenWithStr']) # Return if cancel was pressed or nothing entered. if not ok or not prog: return # Store command for future convenience. self.updatePreference('lastOpenWithStr', prog) # Launch program. args = shlex.split(prog) + [path] self.launchProcess(args)
""" Help Menu Methods """
[docs] @Slot(bool) def showAboutDialog(self, *args): """ Display a modal dialog box that shows the "about" information for the application. """ from .version import __version__ captionText = "About {}".format( aboutText = ("<b>App Name:</b> {0} {1}<br/>" "<b>App Path:</b> {2}<br/>" "<b>Documentation:</b> <a href={3}>{3}</a>".format(, __version__,, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.about(self, captionText, aboutText)
[docs] @Slot(bool) def showAboutQtDialog(self, *args): """ Show Qt about dialog. """ QtWidgets.QMessageBox.aboutQt(self,
[docs] @Slot(bool) def openUrl(self, checked=False, url=None): """ Open a URL in a web browser. This method doesn't do anything if the URL evaluates to False. :Parameters: checked : `bool` For signal only url : `str` A URL to open. If one is not provided, it defaults to self.appURL. """ url = url or if url: QtGui.QDesktopServices.openUrl(QtCore.QUrl(url))
""" Extra Keyboard Shortcuts """
[docs] @Slot() def onBackspace(self): """ Handle the Backspace key for back browser navigation. """ # Need this test since the Backspace keyboard shortcut is always linked to this method. if self.currTab.isBackwardAvailable() and not self.currTab.inEditMode: self.browserBack()
""" Miscellaneous Methods """
[docs] @staticmethod def convertTeletype(t): """ Convert teletype codes to HTML styles. This method assumes you have already escaped any necessary HTML characters. :Parameters: t : `str` Original text :Returns: String with teletype codes converted to HTML styles. :Rtype: `str` """ for (code, style) in TTY2HTML: t = t.replace(code, style) return "<span>{}</span>".format(t)
[docs] @Slot(QtCore.QUrl) def hoverUrl(self, link): """ Slot called when the mouse hovers over a URL. """ pathNoQuery = link.toString(QtCore.QUrl.RemoveQuery) if utils.queryItemBoolValue(link, "binary"): self.statusbar.showMessage("{} (binary)".format(pathNoQuery)) else: self.statusbar.showMessage(pathNoQuery) self.linkHighlighted = link
[docs] def setOverrideCursor(self, cursor=QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor): """ Set the override cursor if it is not already set. :Parameters: cursor Qt cursor """ if not QtWidgets.QApplication.overrideCursor(): QtWidgets.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(cursor)
[docs] def restoreOverrideCursor(self): """ If an override cursor is currently set, restore the previous cursor. """ if QtWidgets.QApplication.overrideCursor(): QtWidgets.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
[docs] @contextmanager def overrideCursor(self, cursor=QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor): """ For use with the "with" keyword, so the override cursor is always restored via a try/finally block, even if the commands in-between fail. Example: with overrideCursor(): # do something that may raise an error """ self.setOverrideCursor(cursor) try: yield finally: self.restoreOverrideCursor()
[docs] def readUsdCrateFile(self, fileStr): """ Read in a USD crate file via usdcat converting a temp file to ASCII. :Parameters: fileStr : `str` USD file path :Returns: ASCII file text :Rtype: `bool` """ self.currTab.fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USDC self.tabWidget.setTabIcon(self.tabWidget.currentIndex(), self.binaryIcon) # Cache the converted Crate file so we can use it again later without reconversion if it's still newer. if fileStr in and os.path.getmtime([fileStr]) > os.path.getmtime(fileStr): usdPath =[fileStr] logger.debug("Reusing cached file {} for binary file {}".format(usdPath, fileStr)) else: logger.debug("Converting binary USD file to ASCII representation...") usdPath = utils.generateTemporaryUsdFile(fileStr,[fileStr] = usdPath with open(usdPath) as f: fileText = f.readlines() # TODO: Remove files from the cache once we reach a certain file size threshold? #os.remove(usdPath) return fileText
[docs] def readUsdzFile(self, fileStr, layer=None): """ Read in a USD zip (.usdz) file via usdzip, uncompressing to a temp directory. :Parameters: fileStr : `str` USD file path layer : `str` | None Default layer within file (e.g. the portion within the square brackets here: @foo.usdz[path/to/file/within/package.usd]@) :Returns: Destination file :Rtype: `str` :Raises zipfile.BadZipfile: For bad ZIP files :Raises zipfile.LargeZipFile: When a ZIP file would require ZIP64 functionality but that has not been enabled :Raises ValueError: If default layer not found """ # Cache the unzipped directory so we can use it again later without reconversion if it's still newer. if fileStr in and os.path.getmtime([fileStr]) > os.path.getmtime(fileStr): usdPath =[fileStr] logger.debug("Reusing cached directory {} for zip file {}".format(usdPath, fileStr)) else: logger.debug("Uncompressing usdz file...") usdPath = utils.unzip(fileStr,[fileStr] = usdPath # Check for a nested usdz reference (e.g. @set.usdz[areas/shire.usdz[architecture/BilboHouse/Table.usd]]@) if layer and '[' in layer: # Get the next level of .usdz file and unzip it. layer1, layer2 = layer.split('[', 1) dest = utils.getUsdzLayer(usdPath, layer1) return self.readUsdzFile(dest, layer2) return utils.getUsdzLayer(usdPath, layer)
[docs] @Slot(QtCore.QUrl) def setSource(self, link, isNewFile=True, newTab=False, hScrollPos=0, vScrollPos=0): """ Create a new tab or update the current one. Process a file to add links. Send the formatted text to the appropriate tab. :Parameters: link : `QtCore.QUrl` File to open. isNewFile : `bool` Optional bool for if this is a new file or an item from history. newTab : `bool` Optional bool to open in a new tab no matter what. hScrollPos : `int` Horizontal scroll bar position. vScrollPos : `int` Vertical scroll bar position. :Returns: True if the file was loaded successfully (or was dirty but the user cancelled the save prompt). :Rtype: `bool` """ # If we're staying in the current tab, check if the tab is dirty before doing anything. # Perform save operations if necessary. if not newTab and not self.dirtySave(): return True # Re-cast the QUrl so any query strings are evaluated properly. link = QtCore.QUrl(link.toString()) # TODO: When given a relative path here, this expands based on the directory the tool was launched from. # Should this instead be relative based on the currently active tab's directory? fileInfo = QtCore.QFileInfo(link.path()) fileStr = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() if not fileStr: self.closeTab() return self.setSourceFinish() # Set path to the fully expanded path. link.setPath(fileStr) fullUrlStr = link.toString() fileExists = True # Assume the file exists for now. logger.debug("Setting source to {}".format(fullUrlStr)) self.setOverrideCursor() try: # If the filename contains an asterisk, make sure there is at least one valid file. multFiles = None if '*' in fileStr or "<UDIM>" in fileStr: multFiles = glob(fileStr.replace("<UDIM>", "[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]")) if not multFiles: return self.setSourceFinish(False, "The file(s) could not be found:\n{}".format(fileStr)) # If we're opening any files, avoid also opening directories that a glob might have picked up. isFile = {x: os.path.isfile(x) for x in multFiles} if any(isFile.values()): multFiles = [x for x in multFiles if isFile[x]] else: # We only found one or more directories via glob, no files. Set multFiles to a single directory, # which will have the effect of opening the file browser dialog to that directory. We don't want # this to open multiple times for each found directory. multFiles = [multFiles[0]] # These next tests would normally fail out if the path had a wildcard. else: if fileInfo.isDir(): logger.debug("Set source to directory. Opening file dialog to {}".format(fileStr)) status = self.setSourceFinish() # Instead of failing with a message that you can't open a directory, open the "Open File" dialog to # this directory instead. self.lastOpenFileDir = fileStr self.openFileDialog() return status if not fileInfo.exists(): logger.debug("The file could not be found: {}".format(fileStr)) fileExists = False elif not fileInfo.isReadable(): return self.setSourceFinish(False, "The file could not be read:\n{}".format(fileStr)) # Get extension (minus beginning .) to determine which program to # launch, or if the textBrowser should try to display the file. ext = fileInfo.suffix() if ext in self.programs and self.programs[ext]: if multFiles is not None: # Assumes program takes a space-separated list of files. args = shlex.split(self.programs[ext]) + multFiles self.launchProcess(args) else: args = shlex.split(self.programs[ext]) + [fileStr] self.launchProcess(args) return self.setSourceFinish() if multFiles is not None: self.setSources(multFiles) return self.setSourceFinish() # Open this in a new tab or not? if (newTab or (isNewFile and self.preferences['newTab'])) and not self.currTab.isNewTab: self.newTab() else: # Set to none until we know what we're reading in. self.currTab.fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_NONE # Set path in tab's title and address bar. fileName = fileInfo.fileName() idx = self.tabWidget.currentIndex() self.tabWidget.setTabText(idx, fileName) self.tabWidget.setTabIcon(idx, QtGui.QIcon()) self.tabWidget.setTabToolTip(idx, "{} - {}".format(fileName, fileStr)) self.addressBar.setText(fullUrlStr) # Take care of various history menus. self.addItemToMenu(fullUrlStr, self.menuHistory, slot=self.setSource, maxLen=25, start=3, end=2) self.addItemToMenu(fullUrlStr, self.menuOpenRecent, slot=self.openRecent, maxLen=RECENT_FILES) self.menuOpenRecent.setEnabled(True) self.addRecentFileToSettings(fullUrlStr) # Optionally show a warning after the file is loaded. warning = None truncated = False if fileExists: # Stop Loading Tab stops the expensive parsing of the file # for links, checking if the links actually exist, etc. # Setting it to this bypasses link parsing if the tab is in edit mode. self.stopLoadingTab = self.currTab.inEditMode or not self.preferences['parseLinks'] self.actionStop.setEnabled(True) # Progress bar. loadingProgressBar = QtWidgets.QProgressBar(self.statusbar) loadingProgressBar.setMaximumHeight(16) loadingProgressBar.setMaximumWidth(200) loadingProgressBar.setTextVisible(False) loadingProgressLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel("Reading file", self.statusbar) self.statusbar.addWidget(loadingProgressBar) self.statusbar.addWidget(loadingProgressLabel) # Read in the file. usd = False try: if self.validateFileSize(fileInfo): if utils.queryItemBoolValue(link, "binary") or ext == "usdc": # Treat this file as a binary USD crate file. Don't bother # checking the first line. If this is a valid ASCII USD # file, not binary, and we hit this section accidentally, # it will load slower but won't break anything. usd = True fileText = self.readUsdCrateFile(fileStr) elif ext == "usd": usd = True with open(fileStr) as f: # Read in the first line. If it's a binary USD file, # convert it to a temp ASCII file for viewing/editing. if f.readline().startswith("PXR-USDC"): fileText = self.readUsdCrateFile(fileStr) else: self.currTab.fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USDA # Read in the full file. fileText = f.readlines() elif ext == "usdz": usd = True layer = utils.queryItemValue(link, "layer") dest = self.readUsdzFile(fileStr, layer) self.restoreOverrideCursor() self.statusbar.removeWidget(loadingProgressBar) self.statusbar.removeWidget(loadingProgressLabel) return self.setSource(QtCore.QUrl(dest)) else: if ext == "usda": usd = True self.currTab.fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USDA with open(fileStr) as f: fileText = f.readlines() else: self.statusbar.removeWidget(loadingProgressBar) self.statusbar.removeWidget(loadingProgressLabel) return self.setSourceFinish(False) except Exception: self.statusbar.removeWidget(loadingProgressBar) self.statusbar.removeWidget(loadingProgressLabel) return self.setSourceFinish(False, "The file could not be read: {}".format(fileStr), traceback.format_exc()) # Compile text into a single string formatted nicely for HTML. length = len(fileText) # Preserve any :SDF_FORMAT_ARGS: parameters from the current link. sdf_format_args = utils.sdfQuery(link) # TODO: Figure out a better way to handle streaming text for large files like Crate geometry. # Large chunks of text (e.g. 2.2 billion characters) will cause Qt to segfault when creating a QString. lineLimit = self.preferences['lineLimit'] if length > lineLimit: length = lineLimit truncated = True fileText = fileText[:length] warning = "Extremely large file! Capping display at {:,d} lines. You can edit this cap in the "\ "Advanced tab of Preferences.".format(lineLimit) loadingProgressBar.setMaximum(length - 1) if self.stopLoadingTab: loadingProgressLabel.setText("Parsing text") logger.debug("Parsing text.") else: loadingProgressLabel.setText("Parsing text for links") logger.debug("Parsing text for links.") finalText = "" exists = PathCacheDict() for i in range(length): # Processing events allows us to catch the stop signal. QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().processEvents() loadingProgressBar.setValue(i) # Escape HTML characters for proper display. # Do this before we add any actual HTML characters. lineOfText = cgi.escape(fileText[i]) if len(lineOfText) > LINE_CHAR_LIMIT: if usd: match = self.usdArrayRegEx.match(lineOfText) if match: # Try to display just the first and last items in the long array with an ellipsis in the middle. # This drastically improves text browser interactivity and syntax highlighting time. logger.debug("Hiding long array on line {}".format(i)) # Try to split to the first true item based on open parentheses. # This is hacky and prone to error if users have hand-edited the files. innerData = if innerData.startswith("(("): split = "))," elif innerData.startswith("("): split = ")," else: split = "," innerData = innerData.split(split, 1)[0] + split + "<span title='Long array truncated for display performance'> &hellip; </span>" + innerData.rsplit(split, 1)[-1].lstrip() finalText += "{}{}{}\n".format(, innerData, continue logger.debug("Skipping link parsing for long line") finalText += lineOfText continue if self.stopLoadingTab: # If the user has pressed stop, load the rest of the document # without doing the expensive parsing for links. finalText += lineOfText continue # Find links. # These will search for multiple, non-overlapping links on each line. offset = 0 for m in self.re_usd.finditer(lineOfText): # linkPath = `str` displayed file path # fullPath = `str` absolute file path # Example: <a href="fullPath">linkPath</a> linkPath = start = m.start(1) end = m.end(1) try: if os.path.isabs(linkPath): fullPath = os.path.abspath(utils.expandPath(linkPath, fileStr, sdf_format_args)) else: # Relative path from the current file to the link. fullPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fileStr), utils.expandPath(linkPath, fileStr, sdf_format_args))) # Override any previously set sdf format args. local_sdf_args = sdf_format_args.copy() if for kv in"&amp;"): k, v = kv.split("=", 1) local_sdf_args[k] = v if local_sdf_args: queryParams = ["sdf=" + "+".join("{}:{}".format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(local_sdf_args.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))] else: queryParams = [] # .usdz file references (e.g. @set.usdz[foo/bar.usd]@) if queryParams.append("layer=" + # Make the HTML link. if exists[fullPath]: _, fullPathExt = os.path.splitext(fullPath) if fullPathExt == ".usdc" or (fullPathExt == ".usd" and utils.isUsdCrate(fullPath)): queryParams.insert(0, "binary=1") htmlLink = '<a class="binary" href="{}?{}">{}</a>'.format(fullPath, "&".join(queryParams), linkPath) else: queryStr = "?" + "&".join(queryParams) if queryParams else "" htmlLink = '<a href="{}{}">{}</a>'.format(fullPath, queryStr, linkPath) elif '*' in linkPath or '&lt;UDIM&gt;' in linkPath or '.#.' in linkPath: # Create an orange link for files with wildcards in the path, designating zero or more files may exist. queryStr = "?" + "&".join(queryParams) if queryParams else "" htmlLink = '<a title="Multiple files may exist" class="mayNotExist" href="{}{}">{}</a>'.format(fullPath, queryStr, linkPath) else: queryStr = "?" + "&".join(queryParams) if queryParams else "" htmlLink = '<a title="File not found" class="badLink" href="{}{}">{}</a>'.format(fullPath, queryStr, linkPath) except ValueError: # File doesn't exist or path cannot be resolved. # Color it red. htmlLink = '<span title="File not found" class="badLink">{}</span>'.format(linkPath) # Calculate difference in length between new link and original text so that we know where # in the string to start the replacement when we have multiple matches in the same line. lineOfText = lineOfText[:start + offset] + htmlLink + lineOfText[end + offset:] offset += len(htmlLink) - end + start finalText += lineOfText logger.debug("Done parsing text for links.") if len(finalText) > CHAR_LIMIT: truncated = True finalText = finalText[:CHAR_LIMIT] warning = "Extremely large file! Capping display at {:,d} characters.".format(CHAR_LIMIT) # Wrap the final text in a proper HTML document. if self.preferences['teletype'] and ext in ["log", "txt"]: # TODO: Add this to config and/or preferences. finalText = HTML_BODY.format(self.convertTeletype(finalText)) else: finalText = HTML_BODY.format(finalText) loadingProgressLabel.setText("Highlighting text") else: # Load an empty tab pointing to the nonexistent file. fileText = [] finalText = "" # Change highlighter based on the file type. self.setHighlighter(ext) # Set the text. logger.debug("Setting HTML") self.currTab.textBrowser.setHtml(finalText) logger.debug("Setting plain text") self.currTab.textEditor.setPlainText("".join(fileText)) del finalText, fileText self.currTab.isNewTab = False logger.debug("Updating history") if isNewFile: self.currTab.updateHistory(link, truncated=truncated) self.currTab.updateFileStatus(truncated=truncated) if fileExists: logger.debug("Setting scroll position") # Set focus and scroll to given position. # For some reason this never seems to work the first time. self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().setFocus() self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().horizontalScrollBar().setValue(hScrollPos) self.currTab.getCurrentTextWidget().verticalScrollBar().setValue(vScrollPos) # Scroll to line number. if link.hasQuery(): line = utils.queryItemValue(link, "line") if line is not None: try: line = int(line) except ValueError: logger.warning("Invalid line number in query string: {}".format(line)) else: self.goToLineNumber(line) # Since we dirty the tab anytime the text is changed, undirty it, as we just loaded this file. self.setDirtyTab(False) self.statusbar.removeWidget(loadingProgressBar) self.statusbar.removeWidget(loadingProgressLabel) else: if not self.currTab.inEditMode: self.toggleEdit() self.setDirtyTab(True) logger.debug("Cleanup") self.statusbar.showMessage("Done", 2000) except Exception: return self.setSourceFinish(False, "An error occurred while reading the file: {}".format(fileStr), traceback.format_exc()) else: return self.setSourceFinish(warning=warning)
[docs] def setSourceFinish(self, success=True, warning=None, details=None): """ Finish updating UI after loading a new source. :Parameters: success : `bool` If the file was loaded successfully or not warning : `str` | None Optional warning message details : `str` | None Optional details for the warning message :Returns: Success :Rtype: `bool` """ # Clear link since we don't want any previous links to carry over. self.linkHighlighted = QtCore.QUrl("") self.actionStop.setEnabled(False) self.updateButtons() self.restoreOverrideCursor() if warning: self.showWarningMessage(warning, details) return success
[docs] def setSources(self, files): """ Open multiple files in new tabs. :Parameters: files : `list` List of string-based paths to open """ prevPath = self.currTab.getCurrentPath() for path in files: self.setSource(utils.expandUrl(path, prevPath), newTab=True)
[docs] def validateFileSize(self, info): """ If a file's size is above a certain threshold, confirm the user still wants to open the file. :Parameters: info : `QtCore.QFileInfo` File info object :Returns: If we should open the file or not :Rtype: `bool` """ size = info.size() if size >= 104857600: # 100 MB self.restoreOverrideCursor() try: dlg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(self, "Large File", "This file is {} and may be slow to load. Are you sure you want to continue?\n\n{}".format(utils.humanReadableSize(size), path), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) return dlg == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes finally: self.setOverrideCursor() return True
[docs] def addItemToMenu(self, path, menu, slot, maxLen=None, start=0, end=None): """ Add a path to a history menu. :Parameters: path : `str` The full path to add to the history menu. menu : `QtGui.QMenu` Menu to add history item to. slot Method to connect action to maxLen : `int` Optional maximum number of history items in the menu. start : `int` Optional number of actions at the start of the menu to ignore. end : `int` Optional number of actions at the end of the menu to ignore. """ # Get the current actions. actions = menu.actions() numAllActions = len(actions) if end is not None: end = -end numActions = numAllActions - start + end else: numActions = numAllActions - start # Validate the start, end, and maxLen numbers. if start < 0 or maxLen <= 0 or numActions < 0: logger.error("Invalid start/end values provided for inserting action in menu.\n" "start: {}, end: {}, menu length: {}".format(start, end, numAllActions)) elif numActions == 0: # There are not any actions yet, so just add or insert it. action = RecentFile(path, menu, slot) if start != 0 and numAllActions > start: menu.insertAction(actions[start], action) else: menu.addAction(action) else: alreadyInMenu = False for action in actions[start:end]: if path == action.path: alreadyInMenu = True # Move to the top if there is more than one action and it isn't already at the top. if numActions > 1 and action != actions[start]: menu.removeAction(action) menu.insertAction(actions[start], action) break if not alreadyInMenu: action = RecentFile(path, menu, slot) menu.insertAction(actions[start], action) if maxLen is not None and numActions == maxLen: menu.removeAction(actions[start + maxLen - 1])
[docs] @Slot() @Slot(bool) def goPressed(self, *args): """ Handle loading the current path in the address bar. """ # Check if text has changed. url = utils.expandUrl(self.addressBar.text().strip()) if url != self.currTab.getCurrentUrl(): self.setSource(url) else: self.refreshTab()
[docs] @Slot(QtWidgets.QWidget) def changeTab(self, tab): """ Set the current tab to the calling tab. :Parameters: tab : `QtWidgets.QWidget` Tab widget """ self.tabWidget.setCurrentWidget(tab)
[docs] @Slot(int) def currentTabChanged(self, idx): """ Slot called when the current tab has changed. :Parameters: idx : `int` Index of the newly selected tab """ prevMode = self.currTab.inEditMode self.currTab = self.tabWidget.widget(idx) if prevMode != self.currTab.inEditMode: self.editModeChanged.emit(self.currTab.inEditMode) self.setNavigationMenus() self.updateButtons() if not self.quitting: # Highlighting can be very slow on bigger files. Don't worry about # updating it if we're closing tabs while quitting the app. self.findHighlightAll()
[docs] def setNavigationMenus(self): """ Set the navigation buttons to use the current tab's history menus. """ self.navToolbar.widgetForAction(self.actionBack).setMenu(self.currTab.backMenu) self.navToolbar.widgetForAction(self.actionForward).setMenu(self.currTab.forwardMenu)
[docs] def isDarkTheme(self): """ Check if any dark theme is active based on launch preference and the background lightness. :Returns: True if launched with the dark theme preference or the lightness factor of the window background is less than 0.5. The 0.5 threshold to determine if it's dark is completely arbitrary. :Rtype: `bool` """ return self._darkTheme or self.palette().window().color().lightnessF() < 0.5
[docs] def updateButtons(self): """ Update button states, text fields, and other GUI elements. """ self.addressBar.setText(self.currTab.getCurrentUrl().toString()) self.breadcrumb.setText(self.currTab.breadcrumb) self.updateEditButtons() title = if self.currTab.isNewTab: self.actionBack.setEnabled(False) self.actionForward.setEnabled(False) self.actionRefresh.setEnabled(False) self.actionFileInfo.setEnabled(False) self.actionTextEditor.setEnabled(False) self.actionOpenWith.setEnabled(False) else: title += " - " + self.tabWidget.tabText(self.tabWidget.currentIndex()) self.actionBack.setEnabled(self.currTab.isBackwardAvailable()) self.actionForward.setEnabled(self.currTab.isForwardAvailable()) self.actionRefresh.setEnabled(True) self.actionFileInfo.setEnabled(True) self.actionTextEditor.setEnabled(True) self.actionOpenWith.setEnabled(True) self.setWindowTitle(title) path = self.currTab.getCurrentPath() usd = utils.isUsdFile(path) self.actionUsdView.setEnabled(usd) status = self.currTab.getFileStatus() self.fileStatusButton.setText(status.text) self.fileStatusButton.setIcon(status.icon) self.actionEdit.setEnabled(status.writable) # Emit a signal that buttons are updating due to a file change. # Useful for plug-ins that may need to update their actions' enabled state. self.updatingButtons.emit()
[docs] def updateEditButtons(self): """ Toggle edit action and button text. """ if self.currTab.inEditMode: self.actionEdit.setVisible(False) self.actionBrowse.setVisible(True) self.actionSave.setEnabled(True) self.actionPaste.setEnabled(self.currTab.textEditor.canPaste()) self.actionUndo.setEnabled(self.currTab.textEditor.document().isUndoAvailable()) self.actionRedo.setEnabled(self.currTab.textEditor.document().isRedoAvailable()) self.actionFind.setText("&Find/Replace...") self.actionFind.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("edit-find-replace")) self.actionCommentOut.setEnabled(True) self.actionUncomment.setEnabled(True) self.actionIndent.setEnabled(True) self.actionUnindent.setEnabled(True) else: self.actionEdit.setVisible(True) self.actionBrowse.setVisible(False) self.actionSave.setEnabled(False) self.actionUndo.setEnabled(False) self.actionRedo.setEnabled(False) self.actionCut.setEnabled(False) self.actionPaste.setEnabled(False) self.actionFind.setText("&Find...") self.actionFind.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("edit-find")) self.actionCommentOut.setEnabled(False) self.actionUncomment.setEnabled(False) self.actionIndent.setEnabled(False) self.actionUnindent.setEnabled(False)
[docs] @Slot(str) def validateAddressBar(self, address): """ Validate the text in the address bar. Currently, this just ensures the address is not an empty string. :Parameters: address : `str` Current text in the address bar. """ self.buttonGo.setEnabled(bool(address.strip()))
[docs] def launchProcess(self, args, **kwargs): """ Launch a program with the path `str` as an argument. Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the Popen object. :Parameters: args : `list` | `str` A sequence of program arguments with the program as the first arg. If also passing in shell=True, this should be a single string. :Returns: Returns process ID or None :Rtype: `subprocess.Popen` | None """ with self.overrideCursor(): try: if kwargs.get("shell"): # With shell=True, convert args to a string to call Popen with. logger.debug("Running Popen with shell=True") if isinstance(args, list): args = subprocess.list2cmdline(args) else: # Leave args as a list for Popen, but still log the string command. p = subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs) return p except Exception: self.restoreOverrideCursor() self.showCriticalMessage("Operation failed. {} may not be installed.".format(args[0]), traceback.format_exc())
""" def diffTwoTabs(self): import difflib lines1 = self.tabWidget.widget(0).textEditor.toPlainText().split('\n') filename1 = self.tabWidget.widget(0).getCurrentPath() lines2 = self.tabWidget.widget(1).textEditor.toPlainText().split('\n') filename2 = self.tabWidget.widget(1).getCurrentPath() differ = difflib.HtmlDiff(tabsize=4) html = '<html><head></head><body>' + differ.make_table(lines1, lines2, filename1, filename2, context=True, numlines=6) + '</body></html>' self.newTab() self.currTab.textBrowser.setHtml(html) print(html) """
[docs] @Slot(bool) def viewSource(self, checked=False): """ For debugging, view the source HTML of the text browser widget. :Parameters: checked : `bool` Just for signal """ html = self.currTab.textBrowser.toHtml() self.newTab() self.currTab.textBrowser.setPlainText(html)
[docs] def showCriticalMessage(self, message, details=None, title=None): """ Show an error message with optional details text (useful for tracebacks). :Parameters: message : `str` Main message details : `str` | None Optional details title : `str` Dialog title (defaults to app name) :Returns: Selected StandardButton value :Rtype: `int` """ return self.showWarningMessage(message, details, title, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical)
[docs] def showSuccessMessage(self, msg, title=None): """ Display a generic message if the user's preferences are not set to only show warnings/errors. :Parameters: msg : `str` Message to display. title : `str` | None Optional title. """ if self.preferences['showAllMessages']: QtWidgets.QMessageBox(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.NoIcon, title or self.windowTitle(), msg, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, self).exec_()
[docs] def showWarningMessage(self, message, details=None, title=None, icon=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning): """ Show a warning message with optional details text (useful for tracebacks). :Parameters: message : `str` Main message details : `str` | None Optional details title : `str` Dialog title (defaults to app name) icon : `int` QMessageBox.Icon :Returns: Selected StandardButton value :Rtype: `int` """ title = title or if details: msgBox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(icon, title, message, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, self) msgBox.setDefaultButton(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) msgBox.setEscapeButton(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) msgBox.setDetailedText(details) return msgBox.exec_() return QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(self, title, message)
[docs] @Slot(bool) def setDirtyTab(self, dirty=True): """ Set the dirty state of the current tab. :Parameters: dirty : `bool` If the current tab is dirty. """ self.currTab.isNewTab = False self.currTab.textEditor.document().setModified(dirty) path = self.currTab.getCurrentPath() if not path: fileName = "(Untitled)" tipSuffix = "" else: fileName = QtCore.QFileInfo(path).fileName() tipSuffix = " - {}".format(path) if self.currTab.fileFormat == FILE_FORMAT_USDC: tipSuffix += " (binary)" elif self.currTab.fileFormat == FILE_FORMAT_USDZ: tipSuffix += " (zip)" text = "*{}*".format(fileName) if dirty else fileName idx = self.tabWidget.currentIndex() self.tabWidget.setTabText(idx, text) self.tabWidget.setTabToolTip(idx, text + tipSuffix) self.setWindowTitle("{} - {}".format(, text)) self.actionDiffFile.setEnabled(dirty)
[docs] def dirtySave(self): """ Present a save dialog for dirty tabs to know if they're safe to close/reload or not. :Returns: False if Cancel selected. True if Discard selected. True if Save selected (and actually saving). :Rtype: `bool` """ if self.currTab.isDirty(): dlg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning, "Save File", "The document has been modified.", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Save | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Discard | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel, self) dlg.setDefaultButton(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Save) dlg.setInformativeText("Do you want to save your changes?") btn = dlg.exec_() if btn == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel: return False elif btn == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Save: return self.saveTab() else: # Discard self.setDirtyTab(False) return True
[docs] @Slot(QtCore.QUrl) def onOpenOldUrl(self, url): """ Open a path from history in the current tab. :Parameters: url : `QtCore.QUrl` URL to open """ self.setSource(url, isNewFile=False)
[docs] @Slot(str) def onOpen(self, path): """ Open the path in a new tab. :Parameters: path : `str` File to open """ self.setSource(QtCore.QUrl(path), newTab=True)
[docs] @Slot() def onOpenLinkNewWindow(self): """ Open the currently highlighted link in a new window. """ window = self.newWindow() window.setSource(self.linkHighlighted)
[docs] @Slot() def onOpenLinkNewTab(self): """ Open the currently highlighted link in a new tab. """ self.setSource(self.linkHighlighted, newTab=True)
[docs] @Slot() def onOpenLinkWith(self): """ Show the "Open With..." dialog for the currently highlighted link. """ self.launchProgramOfChoice(self.linkHighlighted.toString(QtCore.QUrl.RemoveQuery))
[docs] @Slot(str) def onBreadcrumbActivated(self, path): """ Slot called when a breadcrumb link (history for the current tab) is selected. :Parameters: path : `str` Breadcrumb path """ # Check if there are any changes to be saved before we modify the history. if not self.dirtySave(): return self.currTab.gotoBreadcrumb(path)
[docs] @Slot(str) def onBreadcrumbHovered(self, path): """ Slot called when the mouse is hovering over a breadcrumb link. """ self.statusbar.showMessage(path, 2000)
[docs]class AddressBar(QtWidgets.QLineEdit): """ Custom QLineEdit class to enable drag/drop. """ goPressed = Signal() openFile = Signal(str) def __init__(self, parent): """ Create the address bar. :Parameters: parent : `UsdMngrWindow` Main window """ super(AddressBar, self).__init__(parent) self.setAcceptDrops(True) # Auto-completion for address bar. # Relative paths based on current directory in Include Panel. self.customCompleter = AddressBarCompleter(parent.includeWidget.fileModel, self) if parent.preferences['autoCompleteAddressBar']: self.setCompleter(self.customCompleter) self.returnPressed.connect(self.addressBarActivated) # Testing a better completer capable of working on absolute and relative file paths. ''' self.completer().highlighted.connect(self.onCompleterActivated) self.completer().highlighted.connect(self.onCompleterHighlighted) def keyPressEvent(self, e): """ Override the completer behavior to allow relative file paths. TODO: With or without this method, the completer doesn't always work. Most often, changing the selection in the completer isn't updating the text in the address bar, which causes problems when you finally select something. Sometimes, it also stops popping up altogether. It appears I'm not the only one with this problem: """ super(AddressBar, self).keyPressEvent(e) # Don't change completion when things like Ctrl+<key> are pressed. if (self.completer() == self.customCompleter and QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() in (QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier, QtCore.Qt.NoModifier) and e.key() != QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape): t = self.text() print(t) if not t: self.customCompleter.setCompletionPrefix("") self.customCompleter.popup().hide() else: info = QtCore.QFileInfo(t) if info.isRelative(): t = self.window().includeWidget.fileModel.rootPath() + '/' + t #t = self.customCompleter.model().rootPath() + '/' + t self.customCompleter.setCompletionPrefix(t) #print("{} {} {}".format(self.customCompleter.completionPrefix(), self.customCompleter.currentIndex().data().toString(), self.customCompleter.currentCompletion())) self.customCompleter.complete() # For debugging: When the completer breaks and stops updating the line edit as you select a popup item, these signals stop getting fired. @Slot(str) def onCompleterActivated(self, path): print('onCompleterActivated') #if self.text() != path: # print("onCompleterActivated: setting text in address bar to activated completer path") # self.setText(path) @Slot(str) def onCompleterHighlighted(self, path): print('onCompleterHighlighted') #if self.text() != path: # print("onCompleterHighlighted: setting text in address bar to highlighted completer path") # self.setText(path) '''
[docs] @Slot() def addressBarActivated(self): """ Trigger loading of the current path in the address bar. """ t = self.text() if t: # Emit the signal to try opening the entered file path. self.goPressed.emit()
[docs] def dragEnterEvent(self, event): """ Allow drag events of a file path to the address bar. """ if event.mimeData().hasUrls() or event.mimeData().hasFormat("application/x-qabstractitemmodeldatalist"): event.accept() else: event.ignore()
[docs] def dropEvent(self, event): """ Allow drop events of a file path to the address bar. """ if event.mimeData().hasUrls(): path = event.mimeData().urls()[0].toString() else: # Create a model to decode the data and get an item back out. model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel() model.dropMimeData(event.mimeData(), QtCore.Qt.CopyAction, 0, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex()) path = model.item(0, 2).text() self.setText(path) self.openFile.emit(path)
# TODO: Try switching between an absolute and relative completer.
[docs]class AddressBarCompleter(QtWidgets.QCompleter): """Custom completer for AddressBar. """ def __init__(self, model, parent=None): super(AddressBarCompleter, self).__init__(model, parent) ''' self.local_completion_prefix = "" self.setModel(model) def setModel(self, model): self.source_model = model super(AddressBarCompleter, self).setModel(self.source_model) def updateModel(self): local_completion_prefix = self.local_completion_prefix class InnerProxyModel(QtGui.QSortFilterProxyModel): def filterAcceptsRow(self, sourceRow, sourceParent): index0 = self.sourceModel().index(sourceRow, 0, sourceParent) return local_completion_prefix.lower() in self.sourceModel().data(index0).toString().lower() proxy_model = InnerProxyModel() proxy_model.setSourceModel(self.source_model) super(AddressBarCompleter, self).setModel(proxy_model) '''
[docs] def pathFromIndex(self, index): #if index.isValid(): # print('pathFromIndex', result = super(AddressBarCompleter, self).pathFromIndex(index) #print('pathFromIndex result: {}'.format(result)) return result
[docs] def splitPath(self, path): #print('splitPath {}'.format(path)) result = super(AddressBarCompleter, self).splitPath(path) #print('splitPath result: {}'.format(', '.join(result))) return result ''' self.local_completion_prefix = path self.updateModel() #return "" result = super(AddressBarCompleter, self).splitPath(path) print('splitPath result: {}'.format(', '.join(result))) return result'''
[docs]class RecentFile(QtWidgets.QAction): """ Action representing an individual file in the Recent Files or history menus. """ openFile = Signal(QtCore.QUrl) def __init__(self, path, parent=None, slot=None): """ Create the action. :Parameters: path : `str` Absolute path to open. parent : `QtGui.QMenu` Menu to add action to. slot Method to connect openFile signal to """ super(RecentFile, self).__init__(parent) self.path = path # Don't show any query strings or SDF_FORMAT_ARGS in the menu. displayName = path.split("?", 1)[0].split(":SDF_FORMAT_ARGS:", 1)[0] # Escape any ampersands so that we don't get underlines for Alt+<key> shortcuts. displayName = QtCore.QFileInfo(displayName).fileName().replace("&", "&&") self.setText(displayName) self.setStatusTip(self.path) self.triggered.connect(self.onClick) if slot is not None: self.openFile.connect(slot)
[docs] @Slot(bool) def onClick(self, *args): """ Signal to open the selected file in the current tab. """ self.openFile.emit(QtCore.QUrl(self.path))
[docs]class TabBar(QtWidgets.QTabBar): """ Customized QTabBar to enable re-ordering of tabs. """ tabMoveRequested = Signal(int, int) crossWindowTabMoveRequested = Signal(int, int, int, int) def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Create and initialize the tab bar. :Parameters: parent : `TabWidget` Main container of the tab bar and individual tabs """ super(TabBar, self).__init__(parent) self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.dragStartPos = QtCore.QPoint()
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, e): """ Mouse press event :Parameters: e : `QtGui.QMouseEvent` Mouse press event """ if e.button() & QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: self.dragStartPos = e.pos() QtWidgets.QTabBar.mousePressEvent(self, e)
[docs] def mouseMoveEvent(self, e): """ Mouse move event :Parameters: e : `QtGui.QMouseEvent` Mouse move event """ if not (e.buttons() & QtCore.Qt.LeftButton): return drag = QtGui.QDrag(self) drag.setPixmap(, 12)) mimeData = QtCore.QMimeData() mimeData.setData("action", "moveTab") # Set the source window index so we know which window the drag/drop came from. mimeData.setData("window", str(self.currentWindowIndex())) drag.setMimeData(mimeData) drag.exec_()
[docs] def dragEnterEvent(self, e): """ Drag enter event :Parameters: e : `QtGui.QDragEnterEvent` Drag event """ mime = e.mimeData() formats = mime.formats() if "action" in formats and "window" in formats and"action") == "moveTab": e.acceptProposedAction()
[docs] def currentWindowIndex(self): """ Get the index of the current active window. :Returns: Index of the current active window :Rtype: `int` """ window = self.window() return
[docs] def dropEvent(self, e): """ Drop event, used to move tabs. :Parameters: e : `QtGui.QDropEvent` Drop event """ mime = e.mimeData() fromWindowIndex, ok ="window").toInt() if not ok: logger.error("Failed to get int window index from TabBar drop event") e.ignore() return fromWindow = self.window().app._windows[fromWindowIndex] fromTabBar = fromWindow.tabWidget.tabBar fromTabIndex = fromTabBar.tabAt(fromTabBar.dragStartPos) toTabIndex = self.tabAt(e.pos()) toWindowIndex = self.currentWindowIndex() # Sanity check. assert fromTabIndex >= 0 and toTabIndex >= 0 and fromWindowIndex >= 0 and toWindowIndex >= 0 if fromWindowIndex == toWindowIndex: if fromTabIndex != toTabIndex: # Moving a tab within the same window. self.tabMoveRequested.emit(fromTabIndex, toTabIndex) else: # Moving a tab across windows. self.crossWindowTabMoveRequested.emit(fromTabIndex, toTabIndex, fromWindowIndex, toWindowIndex) e.acceptProposedAction()
[docs]class TabWidget(QtWidgets.QTabWidget): """ Customized QTabWidget to enable re-ordering of tabs with a custom QTabBar. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Create and initialize the tab widget. :Parameters: parent : `UsdMngrWindow` Main window """ super(TabWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.tabBar = TabBar(self) self.tabBar.tabMoveRequested.connect(self.moveTab) self.setTabBar(self.tabBar)
[docs] @Slot(int, int) def moveTab(self, fromIndex, toIndex): """ Drag and drop tabs within the same window. :Parameters: fromIndex : `int` Original tab position toIndex : `int` New tab position """ widget = self.widget(fromIndex) text = self.tabText(fromIndex) icon = self.tabIcon(fromIndex) self.removeTab(fromIndex) self.insertTab(toIndex, widget, icon, text) self.setCurrentIndex(toIndex)
[docs] def setTabIcon(self, index, icon): """ Override the default method to set the same icon on our custom action that focuses on or re-opens the widget at the given index. :Parameters: index : `int` Index of widget icon : `QtGui.QIcon` Icon """ super(TabWidget, self).setTabIcon(index, icon) self.widget(index).action.setIcon(icon)
[docs]class TextBrowser(QtWidgets.QTextBrowser): """ Customized QTextBrowser to override mouse events. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Create and initialize the text browser. :Parameters: parent : `BrowserTab` Browser tab containing this text browser widget """ super(TextBrowser, self).__init__(parent)
[docs] def copySelectionToClipboard(self): """ Store current selection to the middle mouse selection. Doing this on selectionChanged signal instead of mouseReleaseEvent causes the following to be output in Qt5: "QXcbClipboard: SelectionRequest too old" For some reason, this isn't needed for QTextEdit but is for QTextBrowser? """ cursor = self.textCursor() if cursor.hasSelection(): selection = cursor.selectedText().replace(u'\u2029', '\n') clipboard = QtWidgets.QApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setText(selection, clipboard.Selection)
[docs] def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): """ Add support for middle mouse button clicking of links. :Parameters: event : `QtGui.QMouseEvent` Mouse release event """ window = self.window() link = window.linkHighlighted if link.toString(): if event.button() & QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: # Only open the link if the user hasn't changed the selection of text while clicking. # BUG: Won't let user click any highlighted portion of a link. if not self.textCursor().hasSelection(): window.setSource(link, newTab=event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier) elif event.button() & QtCore.Qt.MidButton: window.setSource(link, newTab=True) self.copySelectionToClipboard()
[docs]class TextEdit(QtWidgets.QTextEdit): """ Customized QTextEdit to allow entering spaces with the Tab key. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, tabSpaces=4, useSpaces=True): """ Create and initialize the tab. :Parameters: parent : `BrowserTab` Browser tab containing this text edit widget tabSpaces : `int` Number of spaces to use instead of a tab character, if useSpaces is True. useSpaces : `bool` If True, use the number of tab spaces instead of a tab character; otherwise, just use a tab character """ super(TextEdit, self).__init__(parent) self.tabSpaces = tabSpaces self.useSpaces = useSpaces
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, e): """ Override the Tab key to insert spaces instead. :Parameters: e : `QtGui.QKeyEvent` Key press event """ if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab: if e.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.NoModifier: if self.textCursor().hasSelection(): self.indentText() return elif self.useSpaces: # Insert the spaces equivalent of a tab character. # Otherwise, QTextEdit already handles inserting the tab character. self.insertPlainText(" " * self.tabSpaces) return elif e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Backtab and e.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier: self.unindentText() return super(TextEdit, self).keyPressEvent(e)
[docs] def commentOutText(self, commentStart="#", commentEnd=""): """ Comment out selected lines. TODO: For languages that use a different syntax for multi-line comments, use that when multiple lines are selected? :Parameters: commentStart : `str` String used for commenting out lines. commentEnd : `str` If the comment can be applied to multiple lines, this is the string marking the end of the comment. """ cursor = self.textCursor() start = cursor.selectionStart() end = cursor.selectionEnd() commentLen = len(commentStart) cursor.setPosition(start) cursor.movePosition(cursor.StartOfBlock) cursor.beginEditBlock() if not commentEnd: # Modify all blocks between selectionStart and selectionEnd while cursor.position() <= end and not cursor.atEnd(): cursor.insertText(commentStart) # For every character we insert, increment the end position. end += commentLen prevBlock = cursor.blockNumber() cursor.movePosition(cursor.NextBlock) # I think I have a bug in my code if I have to do this. if prevBlock == cursor.blockNumber(): break else: # Only modify the beginning and end lines since this can # be a multiple-line comment. cursor.insertText(commentStart) cursor.setPosition(end) cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfBlock) cursor.insertText(commentEnd) cursor.endEditBlock()
[docs] def uncommentText(self, commentStart="#", commentEnd=""): """ Uncomment selected lines. :Parameters: commentStart : `str` String used for commenting out lines. commentEnd : `str` If the comment can be applied to multiple lines, this is the string marking the end of the comment. """ cursor = self.textCursor() start = cursor.selectionStart() end = cursor.selectionEnd() commentLen = len(commentStart) cursor.setPosition(start) cursor.movePosition(cursor.StartOfBlock) cursor.beginEditBlock() if not commentEnd: # Modify all blocks between selectionStart and selectionEnd while cursor.position() <= end and not cursor.atEnd(): block = cursor.block() # Select the number of characters used in the comment string. for i in range(len(commentStart)): cursor.movePosition(cursor.NextCharacter, cursor.KeepAnchor) # If the selection is all on the same line and matches the comment string, remove it. if block.contains(cursor.selectionEnd()) and cursor.selectedText() == commentStart: cursor.deleteChar() end -= commentLen prevBlock = cursor.blockNumber() cursor.movePosition(cursor.NextBlock) if prevBlock == cursor.blockNumber(): break else: # Remove the beginning comment string. # Do we only want to do this if there's also an end comment string in the selection? # We probably also want to remove the comments if there is any whitespace before or after it. # This logic may not be completely right when some comment symbols are already in the selection. block = cursor.block() # Select the number of characters used in the comment string. for i in range(len(commentStart)): cursor.movePosition(cursor.NextCharacter, cursor.KeepAnchor) # If the selection is all on the same line and matches the comment string, remove it. if block.contains(cursor.selectionEnd()) and cursor.selectedText() == commentStart: cursor.deleteChar() # Remove the end comment string. cursor.setPosition(end - len(commentStart)) block = cursor.block() cursor.movePosition(cursor.EndOfBlock) for i in range(len(commentEnd)): cursor.movePosition(cursor.PreviousCharacter, cursor.KeepAnchor) if block.contains(cursor.selectionStart()) and cursor.selectedText() == commentEnd: cursor.deleteChar() cursor.endEditBlock()
[docs] def indentText(self): """ Indent selected lines by one tab stop. """ cursor = self.textCursor() start = cursor.selectionStart() end = cursor.selectionEnd() cursor.setPosition(start) cursor.movePosition(cursor.StartOfBlock) cursor.beginEditBlock() # Modify all blocks between selectionStart and selectionEnd while cursor.position() < end and not cursor.atEnd(): if self.useSpaces: if self.tabSpaces: cursor.insertText(" " * self.tabSpaces) # Increment end by the number of characters we inserted. end += self.tabSpaces else: cursor.insertText("\t") end += 1 prevBlock = cursor.blockNumber() cursor.movePosition(cursor.NextBlock) if prevBlock == cursor.blockNumber(): break cursor.endEditBlock()
[docs] def unindentText(self): """ Un-indent selected lines by one tab stop. """ cursor = self.textCursor() start = cursor.selectionStart() end = cursor.selectionEnd() cursor.setPosition(start) cursor.movePosition(cursor.StartOfBlock) cursor.beginEditBlock() # Modify all blocks between selectionStart and selectionEnd while cursor.position() < end and not cursor.atEnd(): currBlock = cursor.blockNumber() for i in range(self.tabSpaces): cursor.movePosition(cursor.NextCharacter, cursor.KeepAnchor) if cursor.selectedText() == " ": cursor.deleteChar() end -= 1 elif cursor.selectedText() == "\t": cursor.deleteChar() end -= 1 # If we hit a tab character, that's the end of this tab stop. break else: break # If we're still in the same block, go to the next block. if currBlock == cursor.blockNumber(): cursor.movePosition(cursor.NextBlock) if currBlock == cursor.blockNumber(): # We didn't get a new block, so we're at the end. break else: # We already moved to the next block. cursor.movePosition(cursor.StartOfLine, cursor.MoveAnchor) cursor.endEditBlock()
[docs]class BrowserTab(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ A QWidget that contains custom objects for each tab in the browser. This primarily consists of a text browser and text editor. """ changeTab = Signal(QtWidgets.QWidget) restoreTab = Signal(QtWidgets.QWidget) openFile = Signal(str) openOldUrl = Signal(QtCore.QUrl) def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Create and initialize the tab. :Parameters: parent : `TabWidget` Tab widget containing this widget """ super(BrowserTab, self).__init__(parent) if self.window().isDarkTheme(): color = QtGui.QColor(35, 35, 35).name() else: color = self.setStyleSheet("QTextBrowser{{background-color:{}}}".format(color)) self.inEditMode = False self.isActive = True # Track if this tab is open or has been closed. self.isNewTab = True self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.breadcrumb = "" self.history = [] # List of FileStatus objects self.historyIndex = -1 # First file opened will be 0. self.fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_NONE # Used to differentiate between things like usda and usdc. font = parent.font() prefs = parent.window().preferences # Text browser. self.textBrowser = TextBrowser(self) self.textBrowser.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.textBrowser.setFont(font) # Don't let the browser handle links, since we have our own, special handling. # TODO: Should we do a file:// URL handler instead? self.textBrowser.setOpenLinks(False) self.textBrowser.setVisible(not self.inEditMode) # Text editor. self.textEditor = TextEdit(self) self.textEditor.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.textEditor.setAcceptRichText(False) self.textEditor.setFont(font) self.textEditor.setWordWrapMode(QtGui.QTextOption.NoWrap) self.textEditor.setVisible(self.inEditMode) self.setTabSpaces(prefs['useSpaces'], prefs['tabSpaces']) # Line numbers. self.lineNumbers = LineNumbers(self, widget=self.getCurrentTextWidget()) self.lineNumbers.setVisible(prefs['lineNumbers']) # Menu item to be used in dropdown list of currently open tabs. self.action = QtWidgets.QAction("(Untitled)", None) self.action.triggered.connect(self.onActionTriggered) # Add widget to layout and layout to tab self.browserLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.browserLayout.setContentsMargins(2,5,5,5) self.browserLayout.setSpacing(2) self.browserLayout.addWidget(self.lineNumbers) self.browserLayout.addWidget(self.textBrowser) self.browserLayout.addWidget(self.textEditor) self.setLayout(self.browserLayout) # Menus for history navigation. self.backMenu = QtWidgets.QMenu(self) self.forwardMenu = QtWidgets.QMenu(self)
[docs] def addHistoryAction(self, menu, index=0): """ Create a menu action for the current path. :Parameters: menu : `QtWidgets.QMenu` Menu to add action to index : `int` Index to insert action at. Defaults to the start of the menu if the index isn't given or is invalid. """ item = self.history[self.historyIndex] action = RecentFile(item.url.toString(), menu, self.onHistoryActionTriggered) action.historyIndex = self.historyIndex try: before = menu.actions()[index] except IndexError: before = None menu.insertAction(before, action)
[docs] def dragEnterEvent(self, event): """ Accept drag enter events from the custom file browser. """ if event.mimeData().hasUrls() or event.mimeData().hasFormat("application/x-qabstractitemmodeldatalist"): event.accept() else: event.ignore()
[docs] def dropEvent(self, event): """ If we receive a drop event with a file path, open the file in a new tab. """ if event.mimeData().hasUrls(): path = event.mimeData().urls()[0].toString() else: # Create a model to decode the data and get an item back out. model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel() model.dropMimeData(event.mimeData(), QtCore.Qt.CopyAction, 0, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex()) path = model.item(0, 2).text() self.openFile.emit(path)
[docs] def findPath(self, path): """ Find the index of the given path in the tab's history. This returns the first occurrence if it is in the history more than once. :Parameters: path : `str` Path to search for in history. :Returns: Index of the given path in the history, or 0 if not found. :Rtype: `int` """ for i in range(self.historyIndex + 1): if self.history[i].url.toString() == path: return i return 0
[docs] def getCurrentPath(self): """ Get the absolute path of the current file. :Returns: Absolute path to current file Ex: /studio/filename.usd :Rtype: `str` """ return self.getFileStatus().path
[docs] def getCurrentUrl(self): """ Get the absolute path to the current file with any query strings appended. :Returns: Absolute path to current file plus any query strings. Ex: /studio/filename.usd?line=14 :Rtype: `QtCore.QUrl` """ return self.getFileStatus().url
[docs] def getCurrentTextWidget(self): """ Get the current text widget (browser or editor). :Returns: The current text widget, based on edit mode :Rtype: `TextBrowser` | `QtGui.QTextEdit` """ return self.textEditor if self.inEditMode else self.textBrowser
[docs] def getFileStatus(self): """ Get the current file's status. :Returns: The current file's cached status :Rtype: `FileStatus` """ if self.historyIndex >= 0: # I haven't been able to reproduce this, but it failed once before. Try to get some more logging to debug the problem. assert self.historyIndex < len(self.history), "Error: history index = {} but history length is {}. History: {}".format(self.historyIndex, len(self.history), self.history) return self.history[self.historyIndex] return FileStatus()
[docs] def goBack(self): """ Go back in history one item. """ # Insert the current path as the first item on the Forward menu. self.addHistoryAction(self.forwardMenu) # Remove the first item from the Back menu. if not self.backMenu.isEmpty(): action = self.backMenu.actions()[0] self.backMenu.removeAction(action) self.historyIndex -= 1 self.updateBreadcrumb() self.openOldUrl.emit(self.getCurrentUrl())
[docs] def goForward(self): """ Go forward in history one item. """ # Insert the current path as the first item on the Back menu. self.addHistoryAction(self.backMenu) # Remove the first item from the Forward menu. if not self.forwardMenu.isEmpty(): action = self.forwardMenu.actions()[0] self.forwardMenu.removeAction(action) self.historyIndex += 1 self.updateBreadcrumb() self.openOldUrl.emit(self.getCurrentUrl())
[docs] def gotoBreadcrumb(self, path, index=None): """ Go to the historical index of the given path. This does not handle updating the displayed document. :Parameters: path : `str` Breadcrumb path index : `int` | None History index of the item to go to """ # Insert the current path as the first item on the Forward menu. self.addHistoryAction(self.forwardMenu) # Rebuild the history navigation menus. newIndex = index if index is not None else self.findPath(path) self.backMenu.clear() self.forwardMenu.clear() for i, historyItem in enumerate(self.history[:newIndex]): self.historyIndex = i self.addHistoryAction(self.backMenu) for i, historyItem in enumerate(self.history[newIndex+1:]): self.historyIndex = i + newIndex + 1 self.addHistoryAction(self.forwardMenu, i) self.historyIndex = newIndex self.updateBreadcrumb() self.openOldUrl.emit(self.getCurrentUrl())
[docs] def isBackwardAvailable(self): """ Check if you can go back in history. :Returns: If the backward action for history is available. :Rtype: `bool` """ return self.historyIndex > 0
[docs] def isDirty(self): """ Check if the current file has been modified in app. :Returns: If the current text editor document has been modified :Rtype: `bool` """ if self.inEditMode: return self.textEditor.document().isModified() return False
[docs] def isForwardAvailable(self): """ Check if you can go forward in history. :Returns: If the forward action for history is available. :Rtype: `bool` """ return self.historyIndex < (len(self.history) - 1)
[docs] @Slot(bool) def onActionTriggered(self, *args): """ Slot called when an action for the tab is activated (i.e. a tab from the Recently Closed Tabs menu). """ if self.isActive: self.changeTab.emit(self) else: self.restoreTab.emit(self)
[docs] @Slot(QtCore.QUrl) def onHistoryActionTriggered(self, url): self.gotoBreadcrumb(url.toString(), self.sender().historyIndex) self.openOldUrl.emit(url)
[docs] def setTabSpaces(self, useSpaces=True, tabSpaces=4): """ Set the width of a tab character in spaces, both for display and editing. :Parameters: useSpaces : `bool` Use spaces instead of a tab character spaces : `int` Tab size in spaces """ font = self.parent().font() width = tabSpaces * QtGui.QFontMetricsF(font).averageCharWidth() self.textBrowser.setTabStopWidth(width) self.textEditor.setTabStopWidth(width) self.textEditor.tabSpaces = tabSpaces self.textEditor.useSpaces = useSpaces
[docs] def updateHistory(self, url, update=False, truncated=False): """ Add a newly created file to the tab's history, cutting off any forward history. :Parameters: url : `QtCore.QUrl` Link for file to add to history list. update : `bool` Update the path's file status cache. truncated : `bool` If the file was truncated on read, and therefore should never be edited. """ # Add the previous item to the Back menu. # The current item actually isn't displayed in either menu. if self.history: self.addHistoryAction(self.backMenu) self.forwardMenu.clear() self.historyIndex += 1 self.history = self.history[:self.historyIndex] self.history.append(FileStatus(url, update=update, truncated=truncated)) self.updateBreadcrumb()
[docs] def updateBreadcrumb(self): """ Update the breadcrumb of file browsing paths and the action for the currently open file, which lets us restore the tab after it is closed. """ # Limit the length of the breadcrumb trail. # This is pretty much an arbitrary number. maxLen = 120 # Always display the current file in the breadcrumb. fullUrlStr = self.getCurrentUrl().toString() path = QtCore.QFileInfo(self.getCurrentPath()).fileName() crumbLen = len(path) # Update action. self.action.setText(path) self.action.setToolTip(fullUrlStr) # Update breadcrumb self.breadcrumb = '<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format(fullUrlStr, path) # If there are more files, add them, space permitting. for i in range(self.historyIndex): crumbLen += len(path) + 3 # +3 for the space between crumbs. if crumbLen < maxLen: # Get the file one back in the history. historyItem = self.history[self.historyIndex - (i+1)] self.breadcrumb = '<a href="{}">{}</a> &gt; {}'.format( historyItem.url.toString(), historyItem.fileInfo.fileName(), self.breadcrumb) else: self.breadcrumb = "&hellip; &gt; {}".format(self.breadcrumb) break
[docs] def updateFileStatus(self, truncated=False): """ Check the status of a file. :Parameters: truncated : `bool` If the file was truncated on read, and therefore should never be edited. """ try: self.history[self.historyIndex].updateFileStatus(truncated=truncated) except Exception: window = self.window() window.restoreOverrideCursor() window.showCriticalMessage("An error occurred while querying the file status.", traceback.format_exc())
[docs]class App(QtCore.QObject): """ Application class that initializes the main Qt window as defined in a ui template file. """ # Boolean indicating whether the event loop has already been started. _eventLoopStarted = False # The QApplication object. app = None # The QSettings configuration for this application. config = None # Temporary directory for operations like converting crate to ASCII. tmpDir = None # Mapping of converted USD file paths to avoid reconversion if the cached file is still newer. usdCache = {} # The widget class to build the application's main window. uiSource = UsdMngrWindow # List of all open windows. _windows = [] appDisplayName = "USD Manager" def __init__(self): super(App, self).__init__() self.appPath = sys.argv[0] self.appName = os.path.basename(self.appPath)
[docs] def run(self): """ Launch the application. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=os.path.basename(self.appPath), description = 'File Browser/Text Editor for quick navigation and\n' 'editing among text-based files that reference other files.\n\n') parser.add_argument('fileName', nargs='*', help='The file(s) to view.') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument("-theme", choices=["light", "dark"], help="Override the user theme preference. Use the Preferences dialog to save this setting)" ) # Legacy flag, now equivalent to "-theme dark" group.add_argument("-dark", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS ) parser.add_argument("-info", action="store_true", help="Log info messages" ) parser.add_argument("-debug", action="store_true", help="Log debugging messages" ) results = parser.parse_args() if results.dark: results.theme = "dark" logger.warning('The -dark flag has been deprecated. Please use "-theme dark" instead.') self.opts = { 'dir': os.getcwd(), 'info':, 'debug': results.debug, 'theme': results.theme, } # Initialize the application and settings. self._set_log_level() logger.debug("Qt version: {} {}".format(Qt.__binding__, Qt.__binding_version__)) = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)":images/images/logo.png")) if Qt.IsPySide2 or Qt.IsPyQt5:"USD") # User settings. self.config = Settings() # App settings. appConfigPath = resource_filename(__name__, "config.json") try:"Loading app config from {}".format(appConfigPath)) with open(appConfigPath) as f: appConfig = json.load(f) except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to load app config from {}: {}".format(appConfigPath, e)) appConfig = {} # Define app defaults that we use when the user preference doesn't exist and when resetting preferences in the # Preferences dialog. self.DEFAULTS = { 'autoCompleteAddressBar': True, 'defaultPrograms': appConfig.get("defaultPrograms", {}), 'diffTool': appConfig.get("diffTool", "xdiff"), 'findMatchCase': False, 'fontSizeAdjust': 0, 'iconTheme': appConfig.get("iconTheme", "crystal_project"), 'includeVisible': True, 'lastOpenWithStr': "", 'lineLimit': LINE_LIMIT, 'lineNumbers': True, 'newTab': False, 'parseLinks': True, 'showAllMessages': True, 'showHiddenFiles': False, 'syntaxHighlighting': True, 'tabSpaces': 4, 'teletype': True, 'textEditor': os.getenv("EDITOR", appConfig.get("textEditor", "nedit")), 'theme': None, 'themeSearchPaths': appConfig.get("themeSearchPaths", []), 'usdview': appConfig.get("usdview", "usdview"), 'useSpaces': True, } # Documentation URL. self.appURL = appConfig.get("appURL", "") # Create a main window. window = self.newWindow() # Open any files passed in by the user. if results.fileName: window.setSources(results.fileName) # Start the application loop. self.mainLoop()
def _set_log_level(self): """ Set the logging level. Call this after each component in the case of misbehaving libraries. """ if self.opts['info']: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if self.opts['debug']: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Clean up the temp dir. """ if self.tmpDir is not None: logger.debug("Removing temp dir: {}".format(self.tmpDir)) shutil.rmtree(self.tmpDir, ignore_errors=True) self.tmpDir = None
[docs] def createWindowFrame(self): """ Create a a new widget based on self.uiSource. :Returns: A dynamically-created widget object. :Rtype: CustomWidget """ attribs = {'config' : self.config, 'app' : self, 'name' : self.uiSource.__name__} widgetClass = type("CustomWidget", (self.uiSource, ), attribs) return widgetClass()
[docs] def newWindow(self): """ Create a new main window. :Returns: New main window widget :Rtype: `QtGui.QWidget` """ window = self.createWindowFrame() self._windows.append(window) return window
[docs] def mainLoop(self): """ Start the application loop. """ if not App._eventLoopStarted: # Create a temp directory for cache-like files. if self.tmpDir is None: self.tmpDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=self.appName) logger.debug("Temp directory: {}".format(self.tmpDir)) App._eventLoopStarted = True # Let the python interpreter continue running every 500 ms so we can cleanly kill the app on a # KeyboardInterrupt. timer = QtCore.QTimer() timer.start(500) timer.timeout.connect(lambda: None)
[docs] @Slot() def onExit(self): """ Callback when the application is exiting. """ App._eventLoopStarted = False self.cleanup() logging.shutdown()
[docs]class Settings(QtCore.QSettings): """ Add a method to get `bool` values from settings, since bool is stored as the `str` "true" or "false." """
[docs] def boolValue(self, key, default=False): """ Boolean values are saved to settings as the string "true" or "false". Convert a setting back to a bool, since we don't have QVariant objects in :Parameters: key : `str` Settings key :Returns: True of the value is "true"; otherwise False. False if the value is undefined. :Rtype: `bool` """ val = self.value(key) return default if val is None else val == "true"
[docs]def run(): app = App() def interrupt(*args): """ Cleanly exit the application if a KeyboardInterrupt is detected. """"KeyboardInterrupt") app.onExit() QtWidgets.QApplication.quit() sys.exit(0) # Allow Ctrl+C to kill the GUI, but first clean up any temp files we left lying around. try: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, interrupt) except ValueError as e: logger.warning("You may not be able to kill this app via Ctrl-C: {}".format(e))
if __name__ == '__main__': run()