Source code for usdmanager.highlighter

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Custom syntax highlighters.

import inspect
import re

from Qt import QtCore, QtGui

from .constants import LINE_CHAR_LIMIT
from .utils import findModules

# Used to clear out highlighting from the Find command.

# Enabled when running in a theme with a dark background color.

[docs]def createRule(pattern, color=None, darkColor=None, weight=None, italic=False, cs=QtCore.Qt.CaseSensitive): """ Create a single-line syntax highlighting rule. :Parameters: pattern : `str` RegEx to match color : `QtGui.QColor` Color to highlight matches when in a light background theme darkColor : `QtGui.QColor` Color to highlight matches when in a dark background theme. Defaults to color if not given. weight : `int` | None Optional font weight for matches italic : `bool` Set the font to italic cs : `int` Case sensitivity for RegEx matching :Returns: Tuple of `QtCore.QRegExp` and `QtGui.QTextCharFormat` objects. :Rtype: tuple """ frmt = QtGui.QTextCharFormat() if DARK_THEME and darkColor is not None: frmt.setForeground(darkColor) elif color is not None: frmt.setForeground(color) if weight is not None: frmt.setFontWeight(weight) if italic: frmt.setFontItalic(True) return QtCore.QRegExp(pattern, cs), frmt
[docs]def createMultilineRule(startPattern, endPattern, color=None, darkColor=None, weight=None, italic=False, cs=QtCore.Qt.CaseSensitive): """ Create a multiline syntax highlighting rule. :Parameters: startPattern : `str` RegEx to match for the start of the block of lines. endPattern : `str` RegEx to match for the end of the block of lines. color : `QtGui.QColor` Color to highlight matches darkColor : `QtGui.QColor` Color to highlight matches when in a dark background theme. weight : `int` | None Optional font weight for matches italic : `bool` Set the font to italic cs : `int` Case sensitivity for RegEx matching :Returns: Tuple of `QtCore.QRegExp` and `QtGui.QTextCharFormat` objects. :Rtype: tuple """ start, frmt = createRule(startPattern, color, darkColor, weight, italic, cs) end = QtCore.QRegExp(endPattern, cs) return start, end, frmt
[docs]def findHighlighters(): """ Get the installed highlighter classes. :Returns: List of `MasterHighlighter` objects :Rtype: `list` """ # Find all available "MasterHighlighter" subclasses within the highlighters module. classes = [] for module in findModules("highlighters"): for name, cls in inspect.getmembers(module, lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass(x, MasterHighlighter)): classes.append(cls) return classes
[docs]class MasterHighlighter(QtCore.QObject): """ Master object containing shared highlighting rules. """ dirtied = QtCore.Signal() # List of file extensions (without the starting '.') to register this # highlighter for. The MasterHighlighter class is explicity set to [None] # as the default highlighter when a matching file extension is not found. extensions = [None] # Character(s) to start a single-line comment, or None for no comment support. comment = "#" # Tuple of start and end strings for a multiline comment (e.g. ("--[[", "]]") for Lua), # or None for no multiline comment support. multilineComment = None def __init__(self, parent, enableSyntaxHighlighting=False, programs=None): """ Initialize the master highlighter, used once per language and shared among tabs. :Parameters: parent : `QtCore.QObject` Can install to a `QTextEdit` or `QTextDocument` to apply highlighting. enableSyntaxHighlighting : `bool` Whether or not to enable syntax highlighting. programs : `dict` extension: program pairs of strings. This is used to contruct a syntax rule to undo syntax highlighting on links so that we see their original colors. """ super(MasterHighlighter, self).__init__(parent) # Highlighting rules. Rules farther down take priority. self.highlightingRules = [] self.multilineRules = [] self.rules = [] # Match everything for clearing syntax highlighting. self.blankRules = [createRule(".+")] self.enableSyntax = None self.findPhrase = None # Undo syntax highlighting on at least some of our links so the assigned colors show. self.ruleLink = createRule("*") self.highlightingRules.append(self.ruleLink) self.setLinkPattern(programs or {}) # Some general single-line rules that apply to many file formats. # Numeric literals self.ruleNumber = [ r'\b[+-]?(?:[0-9]+[lL]?|0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+[lL]?|[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)\b', QtCore.Qt.darkBlue, QtCore.Qt.cyan ] # Double-quoted string, possibly containing escape sequences. self.ruleDoubleQuote = [ r'"[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"', QtCore.Qt.darkGreen, QtGui.QColor(25, 255, 25) ] # Single-quoted string, possibly containing escape sequences. self.ruleSingleQuote = [ r"'[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'", QtCore.Qt.darkGreen, QtGui.QColor(25, 255, 25) ] # Matches a comment from the starting point to the end of the line, # if not part of a single- or double-quoted string. if self.comment: self.ruleComment = [ "^(?:[^\"']|\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*')*(" + re.escape(self.comment) + ".*)$", # TODO: This should probably be language-specific instead of assumed for all. QtCore.Qt.gray, QtCore.Qt.gray, None, # Not bold True # Italic ] # Create the rules specific to this syntax. self.createRules() # If createRules didn't place the link rule in a specific place, put it at the end. if self.ruleLink not in self.highlightingRules: self.highlightingRules.append(self.ruleLink) # Find phrase. frmt = QtGui.QTextCharFormat() frmt.setBackground(QtCore.Qt.yellow) pattern = QtCore.QRegExp(DONT_MATCH_PHRASE, QtCore.Qt.CaseInsensitive, QtCore.QRegExp.FixedString) self.findRule = (pattern, frmt) self.blankRules.append(self.findRule) self.highlightingRules.append(self.findRule) self.setSyntaxHighlighting(enableSyntaxHighlighting)
[docs] def getRules(self): """ Syntax rules specific to this highlighter class. """ # Operators. return [ [ # Operators r'[\-+*/%=!<>&|^~]',, QtGui.QColor("#F33") ], self.ruleNumber, self.ruleDoubleQuote, self.ruleSingleQuote, self.ruleLink, # Undo syntax highlighting on at least some of our links so the assigned colors show. self.ruleComment ]
[docs] def createRules(self): for r in self.getRules(): self.highlightingRules.append(createRule(*r) if type(r) is list else r) # Multi-line comment. if self.multilineComment: self.multilineRules.append(createMultilineRule( # Make sure the start of the comment isn't inside a single- or double-quoted string. # TODO: This should probably be language-specific instead of assumed for all. "^(?:[^\"']|\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*')*(" + re.escape(self.multilineComment[0]) + ")", re.escape(self.multilineComment[1]), QtCore.Qt.gray, italic=True))
[docs] def dirty(self): """ Let highlighters that subscribe to this know a rule has changed. """ self.dirtied.emit()
[docs] def setFindPhrase(self, phrase): """ Set the "find" phrase when searching for text. :Parameters: phrase : `str` Text in find bar to search for. """ if phrase == "": phrase = DONT_MATCH_PHRASE if phrase != self.findPhrase: if phrase == DONT_MATCH_PHRASE: self.findRule = (self.findRule[0], QtGui.QTextCharFormat()) else: self.findRule[1].setBackground(QtCore.Qt.yellow) self.findRule[0].setPattern(phrase) self.findPhrase = phrase self.dirty()
[docs] def setFindCase(self, case): """ Set the case sensitivity when searching for text. :Parameters: case : `bool` Find is case-sensitive if True. """ case = QtCore.Qt.CaseSensitive if case else QtCore.Qt.CaseInsensitive if case != self.findRule[0].caseSensitivity(): self.findRule[0].setCaseSensitivity(case) self.dirty()
[docs] def setLinkPattern(self, programs): """ Set the rules to search for files based on file extensions, quotes, etc. :Parameters: programs : `dict` extension: program pairs of strings. """ # This is slightly different than the main program's RegEx because Qt doesn't support all the same things. # TODO: Not allowing a backslash here might break Windows file paths if/when we try to support that. self.ruleLink[0].setPattern(r'(?:[^\'"@()\t\n\r\f\v\\]*\.)(?:' + '|'.join(programs.keys()) + r')(?=(?:[\'")@]|\\\"))') self.dirty()
[docs] def setSyntaxHighlighting(self, enable, force=True): """ Enable/Disable syntax highlighting. If enabling, dirties the state of this highlighter so highlighting runs again. :Parameters: enable : `bool` Whether or not to enable syntax highlighting. force : `bool` Force re-enabling syntax highlighting even if it was already enabled. Allows force rehighlighting even if nothing has really changed. """ if force or enable != self.enableSyntax: self.enableSyntax = enable self.rules = self.highlightingRules if enable else self.blankRules self.dirty()
[docs]class Highlighter(QtGui.QSyntaxHighlighter): masterClass = MasterHighlighter def __init__(self, parent=None, master=None): """ Syntax highlighter for an individual document in the app. :Parameters: parent : `QtCore.QObject` Can install to a `QTextEdit` or `QTextDocument` to apply highlighting. master : `MasterHighlighter` | None Master object containing shared highlighting rules. """ super(Highlighter, self).__init__(parent) self.master = master or self.masterClass(self) self.findPhrase = None self.dirty = False # Connect this directly to self.rehighlight if we can ever manage to thread or speed that up. self.master.dirtied.connect(self.setDirty)
[docs] def isDirty(self): return self.dirty
[docs] def setDirty(self): self.dirty = True
[docs] def highlightBlock(self, text): """ Override this method only if needed for a specific language. """ # Really long lines like timeSamples in Crate files don't play nicely with RegEx. # Skip them for now. if len(text) > LINE_CHAR_LIMIT: # TODO: Do we need to reset the block state or anything else here? return for pattern, frmt in self.master.rules: i = pattern.indexIn(text) while i >= 0: # If we have a grouped match, only highlight that first group and not the chars before it. pos1 = pattern.pos(1) if pos1 != -1: length = pattern.matchedLength() - (pos1 - i) i = pos1 else: length = pattern.matchedLength() self.setFormat(i, length, frmt) i = pattern.indexIn(text, i + length) self.setCurrentBlockState(0) for state, (startExpr, endExpr, frmt) in enumerate(self.master.multilineRules, 1): if self.previousBlockState() == state: # We're already inside a match for this rule. See if there's an ending match. startIndex = 0 add = 0 else: # Look for the start of the expression. startIndex = startExpr.indexIn(text) # If we have a grouped match, only highlight that first group and not the chars before it. pos1 = startExpr.pos(1) if pos1 != -1: add = startExpr.matchedLength() - (pos1 - startIndex) startIndex = pos1 else: add = startExpr.matchedLength() # If we're inside the match, look for the end expression. while startIndex >= 0: endIndex = endExpr.indexIn(text, startIndex + add) if endIndex >= add: # We found the end of the multiline rule. length = endIndex - startIndex + add + endExpr.matchedLength() # Since we're at the end of this rule, reset the state so other multiline rules can try to match. self.setCurrentBlockState(0) else: # Still inside the multiline rule. length = len(text) - startIndex + add self.setCurrentBlockState(state) # Highlight the portion of this line that's inside the multiline rule. # TODO: This doesn't actually ensure we hit the closing expression before highlighting. self.setFormat(startIndex, length, frmt) # Look for the next match. startIndex = startExpr.indexIn(text, startIndex + length) pos1 = startExpr.pos(1) if pos1 != -1: add = startExpr.matchedLength() - (pos1 - startIndex) startIndex = pos1 else: add = startExpr.matchedLength() if self.currentBlockState() == state: break self.dirty = False