Source code for usdmanager.parsers.usd

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USD file parsers
import logging
import re
from os.path import sep, splitext

from Qt.QtCore import QFileInfo, Slot

from .. import utils
from ..parser import AbstractExtParser

# Set up logging.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class UsdAsciiParser(AbstractExtParser): """ USD ASCII files. Treat as plain text. This is the simplest of the Usd parsers, which other USD parsers should inherit from. """ exts = ("usda",) fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USDA def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(UsdAsciiParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.regex = None self.usdArrayRegEx = re.compile( "((?:\s*(?:\w+\s+)?\w+\[\]\s+[\w:]+\s*=|\s*\d+:)\s*\[)" # Array attribute definition and equal sign, or a frame number and colon, plus the opening bracket. "\s*(.*)\s*" # Everything inside the square brackets. "(\].*)$" # Closing bracket to the end of the line. )
[docs] @Slot() def compile(self): """ Compile regular expression to find links in USD files. """ self.regex = utils.usdRegEx(self.parent().programs.keys())
[docs] def parse(self, nativeAbsPath, fileInfo, link): """ Parse a file for links, generating a plain text version and HTML version of the file text. :Parameters: nativeAbsPath : `str` OS-native absolute file path fileInfo : `QFileInfo` File info object link : `QUrl` Full file path URL """ # Preserve any :SDF_FORMAT_ARGS: parameters from the current link. self.sdf_format_args = utils.sdfQuery(link) self.extractedDir = utils.queryItemValue(link, "extractedDir") return super(UsdAsciiParser, self).parse(nativeAbsPath, fileInfo, link)
[docs] def parseMatch(self, match, linkPath, nativeAbsPath, fileInfo): """ Parse a RegEx match of a path to another file. Override for specific language parsing. :Parameters: match RegEx match object linkPath : `str` Displayed file path matched by the RegEx nativeAbsPath : `str` OS-native absolute file path for the file being parsed fileInfo : `QFileInfo` File info object for the file being parsed :Returns: HTML link :Rtype: `str` :Raises ValueError: If path does not exist or cannot be resolved. """ expanded_path = utils.expandPath( linkPath, nativeAbsPath, self.sdf_format_args, extractedDir=self.extractedDir) if QFileInfo(linkPath).isAbsolute(): fullPath = QFileInfo(expanded_path).absoluteFilePath() logger.debug("Parsed link is absolute (%s). Expanded to %s", linkPath, fullPath) else: # Relative path from the current file to the link. fullPath = fileInfo.dir().absoluteFilePath(expanded_path) logger.debug("Parsed link is relative (%s). Expanded to %s", linkPath, fullPath) # Override any previously set sdf format args. local_sdf_args = self.sdf_format_args.copy() if for kv in"&amp;"): k, v = kv.split("=", 1) expanded_path = utils.expandPath( v, nativeAbsPath, self.sdf_format_args, extractedDir=self.extractedDir) local_sdf_args[k] = expanded_path.replace("&", "+").replace("=", ":") if local_sdf_args: queryParams = ["sdf=" + "+".join("{}:{}".format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(local_sdf_args.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))] else: queryParams = [] # .usdz file references (e.g. @set.usdz[foo/bar.usd]@) if queryParams.append("layer=" + # Propogate the extracted archive if this resolved file is in the same archive if self.extractedDir and fullPath.startswith(self.extractedDir + sep): queryParams.append("extractedDir=" + self.extractedDir) # Make the HTML link. if self.exists[fullPath]: _, fullPathExt = splitext(fullPath) if fullPathExt == ".usdc" or (fullPathExt == ".usd" and utils.isUsdCrate(fullPath)): queryParams.insert(0, "binary=1") return '<a class="binary" href="file://{}?{}">{}</a>'.format(fullPath, "&".join(queryParams), linkPath) queryStr = "?" + "&".join(queryParams) if queryParams else "" return '<a href="file://{}{}">{}</a>'.format(fullPath, queryStr, linkPath) elif '*' in linkPath or '&lt;UDIM&gt;' in linkPath or '.#.' in linkPath: # Create an orange link for files with wildcards in the path, # designating zero or more files may exist. queryStr = "?" + "&".join(queryParams) if queryParams else "" return '<a title="Multiple files may exist" class="mayNotExist" href="file://{}{}">{}</a>'.format( fullPath, queryStr, linkPath) queryStr = "?" + "&".join(queryParams) if queryParams else "" return '<a title="File not found" class="badLink" href="file://{}{}">{}</a>'.format( fullPath, queryStr, linkPath)
[docs] def parseLongLine(self, line): """ Process a long line. Link parsing is skipped, and long USD arrays are truncated in the middle. :Parameters: line : `str` Line of text :Returns: Line of text :Rtype: `str` """ match = self.usdArrayRegEx.match(line) if match: # Try to display just the first and last items in the long array with an ellipsis in the middle. # This drastically improves text browser interactivity and syntax highlighting time. logger.debug("Hiding long array") # Try to split to the first true item based on open parentheses. # This is hacky and prone to error if users have hand-edited the files. innerData = if innerData.startswith("(("): split = "))," elif innerData.startswith("("): split = ")," else: split = "," innerData = innerData.split(split, 1)[0] + split +\ "<span title='Long array truncated for display performance'> &hellip; </span>" +\ innerData.rsplit(split, 1)[-1].lstrip() return "{}{}{}\n".format(, innerData, return super(UsdAsciiParser, self).parseLongLine(line)
[docs]class UsdCrateParser(UsdAsciiParser): """ Parse USD file assuming it is a crate file. Don't bother checking the fist line for PXR-USDC. If this is a valid ASCII USD file and not binary, but we use this parser accidentally, the file will load slower (since we do a usdcat conversion) but won't break anything. """ exts = ("usdc",) fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USDC
[docs] def acceptsFile(self, fileInfo, link): """ Accept .usdc files, or .usd files that do have a true binary query string value (i.e. .usd files we've already confirmed are crate). :Parameters: fileInfo : `QFileInfo` File info object link : `QtCore.QUrl` Full URL, potentially with query string """ ext = fileInfo.suffix() return ext in self.exts or (ext == "usd" and utils.queryItemBoolValue(link, "binary"))
[docs] def read(self, path): return self.parent().readUsdCrateFile(path)
[docs]class UsdParser(UsdAsciiParser): """ Parse ambiguous USD files that may be ASCII or crate. """ exts = ("usd",) fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USD
[docs] def acceptsFile(self, fileInfo, link): """ Accept .usd files that do not have a true binary query string in the URL (i.e. we haven't yet opened this file to determine if it is crate, or we have checked and it wasn't crate). :Parameters: fileInfo : `QFileInfo` File info object link : `QtCore.QUrl` Full URL, potentially with query string """ return fileInfo.suffix() in self.exts and not utils.queryItemBoolValue(link, "binary")
[docs] def read(self, path): with open(path) as f: # Read in the first line. If it's a binary USD file, # convert it to a temp ASCII file for viewing/editing. if f.readline().startswith("PXR-USDC"): self.fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USDC return self.parent().readUsdCrateFile(path) self.fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_USDA # Read in the full file. return f.readlines()