Source code for usdmanager.parser

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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File parsers

import logging
import re
from cgi import escape
from collections import defaultdict

from Qt.QtCore import QFile, QFileInfo, QObject, Signal, Slot

from .utils import expandPath

# Set up logging.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PathCacheDict(defaultdict): """ Cache if file paths referenced more than once in a file exist, so we don't check on disk over and over. """ def __missing__(self, key): self[key] = QFile.exists(key) return self[key]
[docs]class FileParser(QObject): """ Base class for RegEx-based file parsing. """ progress = Signal(int) status = Signal(str) # Override as needed. fileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_NONE # Group within the RegEx corresponding to the file path only. # Useful if you modify compile() but not linkParse(). RE_FILE_GROUP = 1 def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Initialize the parser. :Parameters: parent : `QObject` Parent object (main window) """ super(FileParser, self).__init__(parent) self.regex = None self._stop = False self._cleanup() self.progress.connect(parent.setLoadingProgress) self.status.connect(parent.loadingProgressLabel.setText) parent.actionStop.triggered.connect(self.stop) parent.compileLinkRegEx.connect(self.compile)
[docs] def acceptsFile(self, fileInfo, link): """ Determine if this parser can accept the incoming file. Note: Parsers check this in a non-deterministic order. Ensure multiple parsers don't accept the same file. Override in subclass to filter for files this parser can support. :Parameters: fileInfo : `QFileInfo` File info object link : `QtCore.QUrl` Full URL, potentially with query string :Returns: It the parser should be able to handle the file :Rtype: `bool` """ raise NotImplemented
def _cleanup(self): """ Reset variables for a new file. Don't override. """ self.exists = PathCacheDict() self.html = "" self.text = [] self.truncated = False self.warning = None
[docs] @Slot() def compile(self): """ Compile regular expression to find links based on the acceptable extensions stored in self.programs. Override for language-specific RegEx. NOTE: If this RegEx changes, the syntax highlighting rules may need to as well. """ exts = self.parent().programs.keys() self.regex = re.compile( r'(?:[\'"@]+)' # 1 or more single quote, double quote, or at symbol. r'(' # Group 1: Path. This is the main group we are looking for. Matches based on extension before the pipe, or variable after the pipe. r'[^\t\n\r\f\v\'"]*?' # 0 or more (greedy) non-whitespace characters (regular spaces are ok) and no quotes followed by a period, then 1 of the acceptable file extensions. NOTE: Backslash exclusion removed for Windows support; make sure this doesn't negatively affect other systems. r'\.(?:'+'|'.join(exts)+r')' # followed by a period, then 1 of the acceptable file extensions r'|\${[\w/${}:.-]+}' # One or more of these characters -- A-Za-z0-9_-/${}:. -- inside the variable curly brackets -- ${} r')' # end group 1 r'(?:[\'"@]|\\\")' # 1 of: single quote, double quote, backslash followed by double quote, or at symbol. )
[docs] def parse(self, nativeAbsPath, fileInfo, link): """ Parse a file for links, generating a plain text version and HTML version of the file text. In general, don't override unless you need to add something before parsing really starts, and then just call super() for the rest of this method. :Parameters: nativeAbsPath : `str` OS-native absolute file path fileInfo : `QFileInfo` File info object link : `QUrl` Full file path URL """ self._cleanup() self.status.emit("Reading file") self.text = # TODO: Figure out a better way to handle streaming text for large files like Crate geometry. # Large chunks of text (e.g. 2.2 billion characters) will cause Qt to segfault when creating a QString. length = len(self.text) if length > self.parent().preferences['lineLimit']: length = self.parent().preferences['lineLimit'] self.truncated = True self.text = self.text[:length] self.warning = "Extremely large file! Capping display at {:,d} lines. You can edit this cap in the "\ "Advanced tab of Preferences.".format(length) self.parent().loadingProgressBar.setMaximum(length) if self._stop: self.status.emit("Parsing text") logger.debug("Parsing text.") else: self.status.emit("Parsing text for links") logger.debug("Parsing text for links.") html = "" # Escape HTML characters for proper display. # Do this before we add any actual HTML characters. lines = [escape(x) for x in self.text] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if self._stop: # If the user has requested to stop, load the rest of the document # without doing the expensive parsing for links. html += "".join(lines[i:]) break self.progress.emit(i) if len(line) > LINE_CHAR_LIMIT: html += self.parseLongLine(line) continue # Search for multiple, non-overlapping links on each line. offset = 0 for m in self.regex.finditer(line): linkPath = start = m.start(self.RE_FILE_GROUP) end = m.end(self.RE_FILE_GROUP) try: href = self.parseMatch(m, linkPath, nativeAbsPath, fileInfo) except ValueError: # File doesn't exist or path cannot be resolved. # Color it red. href = '<span title="File not found" class="badLink">{}</span>'.format(linkPath) # Calculate difference in length between new link and original text so that we know where # in the string to start the replacement when we have multiple matches in the same line. line = line[:start + offset] + href + line[end + offset:] offset += len(href) - end + start html += line logger.debug("Done parsing text for links.") if len(html) > CHAR_LIMIT: self.truncated = True html = html[:CHAR_LIMIT] self.warning = "Extremely large file! Capping display at {:,d} characters.".format(CHAR_LIMIT) # Wrap the final text in a proper HTML document. self.html = self.htmlFormat(html)
[docs] def htmlFormat(self, text): """ Wrap the final text in a proper HTML document. Override to add additional HTML tags only to the HTML representation of this file. :Parameters: text : `str` :Returns: HTML text document :Rtype: `str` """ return HTML_BODY.format(text)
[docs] def parseMatch(self, match, linkPath, nativeAbsPath, fileInfo): """ Parse a RegEx match of a patch to another file. Override for specific language parsing. :Parameters: match RegEx match object linkPath : `str` Displayed file path matched by the RegEx nativeAbsPath : `str` OS-native absolute file path for the file being parsed fileInfo : `QFileInfo` File info object for the file being parsed :Returns: HTML link :Rtype: `str` :Raises ValueError: If path does not exist or cannot be resolved. """ # linkPath = `str` displayed file path # fullPath = `str` absolute file path # Example: <a href="fullPath">linkPath</a> if QFileInfo(linkPath).isAbsolute(): fullPath = QFileInfo(expandPath(linkPath, nativeAbsPath)).absoluteFilePath() logger.debug("Parsed link is absolute (%s). Expanded to %s", linkPath, fullPath) else: # Relative path from the current file to the link. fullPath = fileInfo.dir().absoluteFilePath(expandPath(linkPath, nativeAbsPath)) logger.debug("Parsed link is relative (%s). Expanded to %s", linkPath, fullPath) # Make the HTML link. if self.exists[fullPath]: return '<a href="file://{}">{}</a>'.format(fullPath, linkPath) elif '*' in linkPath or '&lt;UDIM&gt;' in linkPath or '.#.' in linkPath: # Create an orange link for files with wildcards in the path, # designating zero or more files may exist. return '<a title="Multiple files may exist" class="mayNotExist" href="file://{}">{}</a>'.format( fullPath, linkPath) return '<a title="File not found" class="badLink" href="file://{}">{}</a>'.format(fullPath, linkPath)
[docs] def parseLongLine(self, line): """ Process a long line. Link parsing is skipped by default for lines over a certain length. Override if desired, like truncating the display of a long array. :Parameters: line : `str` Line of text :Returns: Line of text :Rtype: `str` """ logger.debug("Skipping link parsing for long line") return line
[docs] def read(self, path): """ :Parameters: path : `str` OS-native absolute file path :Returns: List of lines of text of file. Can be overridden by subclasses to handle things like crate conversion from binary to ASCII. :Rtype: [`str`] """ with open(path) as f: return f.readlines()
[docs] @Slot(bool) def stop(self, stop=True): """ Request to stop parsing the active file for links. Don't override. :Parameters: stop : `bool` To stop or not """ self._stop = stop
[docs]class AbstractExtParser(FileParser): """ Determines which files are supported based on extension. Override exts in a subclass to add extensions. """ # Tuple of `str` file extensions (without the leading .) that this parser can support. Example: ("usda",) exts = ()
[docs] def acceptsFile(self, fileInfo, link): """ Accept files with the proper extension. :Parameters: fileInfo : `QFileInfo` File info object link : `QtCore.QUrl` Full URL, potentially with query string """ return fileInfo.suffix() in self.exts